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Toxiq Reef

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I think I had a chromis recently meet this same fate.. whenever I feed the nems they try to steal whatever it is I'm feeding them. A few nights ago after feeding the tank one of them was missing, the anemone was retracted behind its rock, and the squid bits I'd just fed it were floating free in the water (being fought over by the remaining chromises (chromi?) even though they were way too big for their mouths)

Never thought of clowns as trying to pull other live fish into their host nems, though.. makes me rethink the idea of getting clowns.

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Long tentacle mark, you still haven't given me a callahan clone

Well once mine decides to split, I'll let you know!

You sure your clowns dragged a fish into it? I've never heard of a clown doing that. Perhaps the tang was darting around and dove into it on accident.

either way, LTA's aren't sticky like carpets so if it was strong, it probably could have gotten away.

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Idk, she's snatched the tail of that little sixline in there and backed into it, I don't care as much for the sixline, granted, this isn't your average clown, she's probably 5" or so

Wow! That's impressive!! What type of clown?

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k, well I wouldn't be surprised if a gold striped maroon would do that. White...not completely surprised but that's still pretty aggressive.

Guess you got a mean one. Mine eats out of my hand and pretty much lets me pet her. But she'll chase off anyone who gets close to the nem

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