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Live rock

Toxiq Reef

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From what I've heard, from a filtration standpoint there really isn't such thing as too much. Practically, though, I think it starts getting to be too much when it looks cluttered to you or doesn't leave enough room for your desired fish to swim. I have about 65lbs in my 55g, and wouldn't want to add any more in the display, but will probably add another 40 lbs or so of Prof's dry rock and rubble to the sump to provide more room for the critters to hide and breed.

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. . . when it looks cluttered to you or doesn't leave enough room for your desired fish to swim. . .

+1. I'd say it's mostly up to your sense of aesthetics. I like the way the tank at Discount Electronics on Anderson Lane is set up with just some rock in the corners, I doubt it has even a 1/4 pound per gal.

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What are your plans for the tank? A fish only will require less rock, reef tanks have to consider available realestate for corals, mostly flat surfaces or cascading ledges. It just depends..

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