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Total Loss


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I came home friday to my 29g leaking at a steady rate. I broke it down and placed them in my spare ato tank for temp. They were doing fine minus one small item I should not have placed in such a small tank. my pink cucumber. This afternoon I checked the tank and every thing was dead except the mollies, hermits and an emerald. Losses: Paired green mandrinssad.gif a baby hippo tang, 4 pep shrimp, and a dresser crab. The pink cucumber was releasing white crap and looks like its got elastic bands around its body. If I didn't know better I'd say it looks like its going to split. Not to sure why the mollies took it in stride maybe they just aren't effected the same way. The zoa colonies and various corals are fine however This is crushing after all that work I put into those mandrins let alone all the others... What should I do from here?

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the cuc is probably releasing toxins, which they do when heavily stressed. The toxins have the effect you've outlined above.

A large water change would be in store, running heavy carbon and a poly filter to boot. Another water change tomorrow would probably be good to help things out.

the cuc is up to you about keeping him or not. I don't think your small tank was a bad thing for him, he probably just got stressed in the move.

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since it is only a temp tank and my real tank is busted at the seam I have decided to shut it all down. the only reason I was holding on to that little tank was for the mandrinshmm.png

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3yrs the back wall is the one that broke and it had a large rock that would lean up against it. That wasn't the surprise, it was that dang cuc pissing slime all over the temp tank.

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Cyrus, I have a small 14 gallon biocube you can use until you get back on your feet if you want. I am so sorry. Anything I can do to help?

I might take you up on that :)

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Dang that sucks. Do you have extra corals in any of your other tanks?

all the corals made it through the attack, along with an emerald crab, hermits, and mollies. I have other corals mostly Euphyllias in my main tank.

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