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What Is Growing On My Frogspawn?


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What is this? A few of my corals have gotten this lately. My water parameters are fine. There has not been any trauma to the corals and none of my critters are picking at them.


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I don't know if it looks bacterial to me, there's a chance that could be the tail of some kind of parasite. It reminded me of the hydroid/spionid worm pics on zoaid:


...but neither of those are attached to the coral polyps, they're in between.

Could have also been punctured by an invert or a fish, or even stung by a nem or a sweeper tentacle... if you wait a bit it will either get worse (some kind of parasite, bacteria, fungus, etc.) or get better (sting damage, someone picking at it).

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Looks like brown jelly to me after a closer look. You can take the FS out of the tank and dip it with coral disenfectant and use a soft toothbrush to get it off. That has worked for me before....lots of flow too.

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hard to tell for me as well...does it look Jelly like at all?

I guess I'm not the only paranoid one! When I looked at the expanded jpg my first thought was "brown jelly" starting, hope I'm wrong on this one. Does it syphon off easily? If it does again out of paranoia I'd do a iodine bath.

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hard to tell for me as well...does it look Jelly like at all?

It is a little jelly like. I will check it when I get home this evening and see if it is spreading. I hope it isn't that brown jelly crap. I hate that stuff.

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I had brown jelly take out a soccer ball sized pink birds nest. I did dips, broke of the affected parts, anything I could think of and lost all but a few frags of the whole colony. very crushing

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I think that head got stung pretty badly by the mushrooms that are near by. The adjacent heads are not showing any sign of infection or jelly. I will keep an eye on it for a few days and see what happens.

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It died. It kept losing more heads so I took it out. I did not want the infection to spread to other corals.

Oh Derek...sorry to hear that....looks like it spread pretty fast. You could of salvage at least one of the heads by dipping it in lugols. That's how I've had good outcomes with the frogspawn and torches, before.

If you ever decide to get a frag...I will be thinning some in a week or so.....It's getting a bit large for my liking. Just let me know.


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Oh Derek...sorry to hear that....looks like it spread pretty fast. You could of salvage at least one of the heads by dipping it in lugols. That's how I've had good outcomes with the frogspawn and torches, before.

If you ever decide to get a frag...I will be thinning some in a week or so.....It's getting a bit large for my liking. Just let me know.


I have two more frags of it. :) I had a large colony a while back and while I was moving it around it broke into three smaller colonies. The remaining two colonies are about the size of a fist. Thanks for the offer.

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Sorry to hear :)! That's one of those difficult judgement calls, I've had good but inconsistent results with iodine dips and the fear of "brown jelly" spreading has caused me to chunk a colony rather than try to save it.

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