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High anxiety and heartrate after messing with zoo'?


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I wouldn't say not to go get checked out....because I'm no doctor. But I have handled my zooanthids and palys many times, especially fragging them, and have never had any adverse effects. I have never worn gloves and have actually been sprayed in the face from tearing some off of rocks outside the tank. Dumb I know....

How did you handle them? How many did you eat wink.gif?

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Ditto hydros sentiments, but that said didn't you mention being allergic to something fishy related at the meeting?

I would think though that 2 hours after the fact you've probably seen the worst of a reaction if you are having one. Most of what I've read about the toxins in zoas seems to indicate a fairly rapid onset of flu like symptoms. Unless you are allergic, it would take more than casual contact to make you sick. I pick up and handle my zoas all the time thanks to my crabs trying to aqua scape for me. :)

Hope you feel better soon. Let us know how you're feeling in a bit!

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I'm going to assume that you do not normally suffer from anxiety or have been drinking a lot of coffee? What kind of contact did you have with the zoas and palys?

If you go see a doctor you might call ahead. I'm not sure how many places have treatment on hand for zoa/paly toxins. Then again you'd probably just confuse the person on the phone.

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Odds are they are unrelated, but especially if you had an open wound and could have come in contact with the toxin - that may be the cause. I don't know if there's much a hospital can do for you, I think it either gets you or it goes out of your system naturally.

Of course we're not doctors, if you're worried then at least visit a clinic.

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i handled it without gloves, and what happened was i forgot to wash my hands after i got done cutting, and may have gotten some residue in my eye (eye is fine) .

I have a pretty bad headache and the above mentioned symptoms.

Im going to call one of my friends who is a doctor to get his advice.

I would have thought that it would have acted sooner as well.

ill let yall know

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i handled it without gloves, and what happened was i forgot to wash my hands after i got done cutting, and may have gotten some residue in my eye (eye is fine) .

I have a pretty bad headache and the above mentioned symptoms.

Im going to call one of my friends who is a doctor to get his advice.

I would have thought that it would have acted sooner as well.

ill let yall know

post in the am so we know you made it! biggrin.gif

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Hey Will.....

When I had the infection a couple of weeks ago, I personally spoke to Eckreef who is a surgeon and wound specialist. He assured me I did not have palytoxin poisoning because it is immediate, like an Anaphylaxis reaction. My infection was due to putting an open wound in my various tanks and the bacterias got into my bloodstream causing cellulitis and lyphangitis.

You should were gloves if you can and DEFINITELY cover open wounds...I am already cheating with the gloves, but I am still covering my wound and even cuticle tears!!

Please go to the ER if things worsen and let us all know...I should have gone much sooner than I did and regret not doing so...

Take care Will...........

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Hmm, yeah I thought the toxins were supposed to take affect a lot faster. It could just be plain old anxiety but it never hurts to get checked out. Take it from someone who knows, sometimes the brain can play tricks on you and manifest some symptoms just because you are thinking about them.

A few months ago someone posted the article about the zoanthid toxins. For about a week each time I took my hand out of the tank I got anxious and felt just not right. It took me a while to realize that I was just worry about the toxins.

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Notice that last word? That is why I said get looked at immediately. I read on RC of someone who after handling Zoas later almost died from not being able to breathe. It is not something to take lightly if you feel symptoms.

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well i went to a friend of mine that is a doctor (lives across the street) and he checked my vitals and such and said that they were elevated but not dangerously. I did get some water (squirted out of the zoo) in my eye and this may have had something to do with it. Im fine now, but have no clue what was wrong with me yesterday.

Ill be buying a box of nitrile gloves though, (and eye protection)

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Glad to hear you are alright.

My hand and lower arm went numb for a few hours after touching my Zoas. I checked my hand and noticed I had a very small cut next to one of my fingernails. This was the only symptom I experienced.

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I'm glad to hear you are all better. I haven't had any problems with mine but I generally do not cut my corals. I occasionally move them but grab the rock from the base and try not to touch the polyps. I guess it is good to be paranoid.

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