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Busted lights = dying corals


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Well my finger went thru my bulb on friday when I was fiddling with it and I am not able to go and buy another just yet. So now everything looks dead. Sigh* I just got some FrogSpawn and it was doing so good, but with only my low wattage bulbs to help me it just looks dead and shriveled inside itself.

I asked a friend who has a sw tank to hold (whats left of) my frogspawn, but he has some fish that will nip it. Can someone babysit my FS until i can get my light? This is the only thing I am worried about. My Kenyas and Xenia's just don't look good at all, and we are just debating on scraping them off and starting over with corals after we get the new light. I don't know if the FS are too far gone or not, but I would like to give them a shot. I thought about seeing if Aquadome would hold onto them for me, but am still unsure about it.

If they die, that's fine. Not like I would get mad about it. Just wanted to see if anyone would wanna help me. I live south so just let me know. If you are close, even better, but beggars can't be choosers.

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How long has the light been out? Corals can go a few days without light (see the "3 days of darkness" threads that people do to rid nuisance algae). Of course the corals will look all deflated, but that is normal night-time behavior.

If it is going to be more than a few days, I would be happy to help. I have have room in my 75g sandbed with the rest of my frogspawn.

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We had just moved everything from my frag tank into my 20 gallon, and rigged the lighting up from that tank with those metal clip on lights from Home Depot. I thought the lighting would be enough until I could afford to buy a nice lighting system, but over the next few days, none would come out, and then when the more powerful bulb got busted, well, it's taken all I have not to throw in the towel. If it's not one thing its another lol. We are trying to save up enough to get one bad ars system like everyone else on here, and even with help and suggestions from others here, it's still overwhelming.

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errr...? do tell.

I just couldnt leave well enough alone. The light looked crooked in the socket ($5 clip on metal shop light), and I thought thats why it wasn't working right. Sometimes it would come on sometimes not. So I was trying to unscrew it and make it look right, and somehow my thumb ended up between in bulb. I think I was grasping it to tight, and my thumb having the most pressure while trying to twist.... :P

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Sorry to hear about the bad luck.

First, take seahorse up on his offer. That will buy you enough time so you don't have to buy what you don't want b/c you are in a crunch.

Let me know your answers to below questions and I'll be happy to help you out:

1. What size tank are you moving everything into (sounds like 20G) but wanted to check?

2. What is more important to you:

- the sexiest tank on the block

- $ and time are no issues a good balanced tank b/c your tank isn't your life

- a good looking tank that requires minimal effort and $.

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ok here goes: (yes seahorse, i would really like to take you up on your offer, thank you so much)

1. What size tank are you moving everything into (sounds like 20G) but wanted to check? moved everything into a 20 gallon right now, but am waiting to pick up and cycle a 40 g being given to me. I'm trying to meet up to get it, but they just got back into town, maybe tonight.. That tank is a 36lx24hx12w.

2. What is more important to you:

- the sexiest tank on the block- not at this time. One day when money isn't as much of an issue, that would be nice. but for now..... my tank looks pretty ghetto rigged :P

- $ and time are no issues a good balanced tank b/c your tank isn't your life. I feel that right now my FW tanks are my life as my SW is just making us sadder and sadder each day. My husband is at the point where he doesn't want to hear any updates on it unless there good... so he doesn't get updates on it, nor will he look at it right now. I just want to be able to see it up and running, even if its not the best looking tank.

- a good looking tank that requires minimal effort and $. Minimal money would be great, though maybe not realistic, but I have no problem working to maintain it. We should have a workshop for dummies.... I would be the first to sign up lol.

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Melissa...you're not alone on this one. You're just suffering from a confused tank! In other words, you're wanting to a have a reef tank and be a reef enthusiast, but you're going about as a tank dabbler.

So, the first thing I'd say to do is decide what you are going to be - a tank dabbler, or a reef enthusiast. I wrote a post about tank personalities a while back on my blog you should read it so you know what I'm talking about.

If you are going to be a tank dabbler, the corals should go. As you've found out, you are going to need some better lighting, which sounds like it isn't in your budget, at least for right now. If you went the tank dabbler route, your new tank will be a great start and you can get some good lighting for that tank w/out breaking the bank.

If you are going to be a reef enthusiast, then decide that now and let seahorse keep your corals till you've bought your better lighting. Being a reef enthusiast will require you to spend more $ and time, but judging from your freshwater experience, you are aware that this hobby takes some time to have everything work.

By knowing which direction (tank dabbler or reef enthuiast) you want to go now, you can avoid the headaches you are having now as well as avoid more in the future.

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Melissa....I know is disheartening to see things go downhill but you hold on and take James (seahorsejl) offer...I would of offered but I'm on the other end of Austin. If things don't make it....Don't get discourage and try again, I know it's easier said then done but you'll make that hurdle...with the good advice from our fellow reefers.

Good Luck


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I have an old twin t5 light that might help. It's was on my 29g the bulbs are old but you have basic corals so they should be ok to tide you over. I only upgraded to a 250mh because I wanted overkill growth. Might want to factor in that I'm in killeen into your plan but it's here if you need it.

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