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Anglar in Shock


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I just got home from corpus cristi to find my anglar in shock. His upper lip seems a little curled up like the time my brackish puffer nibbled on a loose anemone tentacle and his eyes are fogged over. Honestly he almost got a porcillin funeral but when I took him out he took a breath!

In my tank thats possible danger, rbta (well out of reach at the top of the tank, frog spawn and hammer corals. The only new thing in the tank was a sea hare???

What should I do to help him? I massaged the bugger and moved him around a bit and that seemed to help and got him breathing more. For now seems to be slowly breathing more and I want to put him in the quarantine tank but I just brought shrimp and fish from the coast for his lunches and they need to go in there.

Any advice is well appreciated!


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No I was feeding him saltwater mollies this is my first batch out of the wild and they will be in the quarantine tank for a month. I'm quite puzzled and saddened. pretty sure he may have landed on the hammer colony. The skimmer got extra full so its possible a battle took place.

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Hmm, I don't think the hammer would have enough zap to really hurt an angler... maybe an angler that is small, like less than 2 inches. I have several euphyllias and have never had a problem with one of them hurting a fish or even a neighboring coral.

With the skimmer filling up there is a definite possibility of a battle of sorts. The RBTA, depending on the size, could have expelled a bunch of waste causing a short high amount of ammonia to be in the water. Depends really on how much it is feed and if it has gone BM recently.

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I feed the rbta once a week half a silverside the anglar is just over 6". He is barely breathing this morning so I don't believe he's in shock he would have been dead or over it if that was the case. Still no external signs of parasites except his eye is grayed over.

Is it possible he tried to gobble the hare? I mean I just fed him before I left. I don't really think he would go after it.

Edited by cyrus
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Water change, carbon, maybe an air stone, time.

He's in the 240g. I decided against the quarantine tank last night. It is entirely possible the molly I fed him is the cause of parasites.

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Sorry I didn't clarify the 29g quarantine tank is set up with carbon and a bubble strip but I didn't want to mix him with the new ones just in. 240g runs carbon also right now. I did a 1/3 change on the 29g reef just at the sight of the wimpy little skimmer 1/2 full. I'll drop carbon in it tomorrow as well as power up the bubble disc thats burried in the sand there some where lol. As of now he's still trucking hidden under the rock.

Also on a side note I so far have only lost one fish from the corpus trip and it was damaged from the net. You can buy 'bait buckets' for an crazy price at Academy. I just got one of there 4$ battery powered bubblers and poked a hole in the top of a 5g bucket it travels well for 1/10th the price. They are now sitting pretty in the 29q tank and eating pellets! I got about 40 little fish and 30 grass shrimp in about an hour in the marshes. Fun in the sun!

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