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RO/DI System Question


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have a (maybe) sort of strange RO/DI question.

I just bought the 75 GPS deluxe unit as part of the Bulk Reef Supply group buy.

I have a pump house that has my well in it along with a 1500 gallon storage tank for the well water. I will be using (preasurized) water from the tank to make my RO water.

My question is, how big of a deal would it be to run the waste water back into the tank? The vas majority of the water in the tank is going to be used for irrigation, and I'm thinking diluting the waste into a 1500 gallon tank shouldn't have much of an impact on the RO system?




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It should not have a significant impact at all. Heck, multiple people run a second RO unit off of the first one's effluent directly.

Thanks, that is what I figured. If I don't have to plumb a drain line for the waste it simplifies the install a lot, and I don't waste a lot of water that should be fine for irrigation.


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Yeah, I don't see a problem with that either. Any of the waste that goes back into the tank will just be filtered by the RO/DI system. The only downside I can see is that it might cause the filter media to degrade faster than normal since there would be a higher amount of dissolved solids in the tank. For each gallon of RO that is made, there is four gallons of waste.

Personally, I ran the waste hose out to my front yard. It waters my plants in a plant bed.

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The waste water is cleaner then the water you start with. It goes through 3 stages of filtration before it is waste water. It is not a problem at all

Fewer harmful chemicals yes, cleaner... not really. The chemicals are broken down and all but they aren't removed, so the TDS of the wastewater is elevated above the initial levels, but the chlorine, ammonia, etc. removal reactions have already broken down those chemicals into less harmful pieces.

Unless you have a ridiculious sediment filter maybe...

Edited by DaJMasta
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