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Bristle Worms


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Eww creepy! I have some big ones but none that size. I'd probably just leave them if they aren't hurting anything. They are supposed to be good scavengers and I've read their populations are self limiting. I have a TON of little ones. I guess that means there's plenty for them to clean up in my tank. My only worry with them is that I'm going to pick up a rock and get stung someday.


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I had a large population in my old tank, some were very large. I don't think they were causing any problems, but I have read that when larger they can become predatory. I wish I could remember my source. I got a sixline wrasse and it did a great job keeping the population in check. I also got an arrow crab and he went right after them, even the larger ones. You could watch as he would hold the whole worm with one claw and snip off a section with the other and chow down. It was pretty cool to watch.

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They are very creepy. I remember the first time I saw one. It scared the crap out of me. I have coral banded shrimp that grabs a nice big one from time to time. She'll eat on it for days.

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