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Acan placement


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I have had my acans in the sand for about 7 months or so now. Within that time period they have barely grown at all. All parameters are great. In fact everything but the acans seem to be growing great. I moved them up today to about mid tank. Im running two 400w halides and two t5s what do you guys think is this too much light for them or will they be okay? also my lights are mounted about a foot above my water dunno if that makes any differnce??? Any imput is valued thank you

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From what I have read, Acans are pretty slow growers to begin with. Are you feeding them at all? What is your calcium level at? I wouldn't move them too far up from mid level. From what you have described of your lighting it should be more than adequate.

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You might try the feeding, but as Derek says, and I've also confirmed with a coral commercial propagator, they just don't grow very fast. I have about 4 small colonies with the same issue. That is why you don't see aquacultured acans, they are all wild caught. They just don't grow fast enough to make them commercially feasible.


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i used reef roids for a while... they never seem to hang on to mysis when i feed them. What else could i spot feed them? cyclopese maybe?

You may try to turn off the pumps them spot feed with brine. That'd be small enough for them to grab onto and wouldn't attract the clean up crew too quickly.

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When my acans have their polyps out I can take a piece of krill and use my tongs to feed them, I just hold it so that it barely touches the polyps and in a second or two it grabs on. My acans can swallow a large piece of krill in just a minute or so. I actually have to keep my skunk cleaner shrimp from stealing it. They started growing much faster after I started feeding them this way.

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Important things to know when keeping acans.

1. They do not grow fast at all. But if you spot feed EACH mouth they will grow faster. I typically feed my acans about once every two weeks and I do so after the lights have gone out or early in the morning when it's still dark outside. Make sure to leave the pumps off for about 30 minutes or so.

2. Keep your MG levels up above 1200, anything lower than this will stop all growth and cause tissue loss if levels are long for a long period of time.

3. Acans like shade. Unlike SPS acans will "color" up better if kept in the shade. My acan garden gets in-direct light reflected off the side glass panel and they are very happy. I have moved a few up before and in a matter of days they turned brown.

Hope this helps.

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