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Everything posted by dan

  1. dan


    charles, can u pick up 5 extra for Laura? I can meet at Laura to pay and pick up...if that's cool with you and laura. dan
  2. dan


    hey laura...if ur picking up today, would u mind picking up some for me? i would like 5 if available. dan
  3. cool. just give me a call anytime. i should be available all day. dan
  4. $5 for the rio 50 and $10 for the rio 800. dan
  5. mcallahan Posted 31 January 2010 - 10:06 AM dang! just what I need for my reactor! Do you still need this for you reactor? I've purchased these but decided to go a different route. I still have the rio 800 and one of the rio 50. LMK. dan
  6. i'll take them if still available...or at least the rio 800. dan
  7. dan

    SPS frags

    i'l take the poker star and a frag/small colony of the pink milli (depending on how it looks in pesron). dan
  8. thanks, chad/belinda...you guys, somehow, are always a step ahead of me.
  9. I'll take the following: - Bulk Reef Supply 75 GPD RO/DI system with extra DI package 100.00 - Test Kits: 5.00 each (Pending Dweyant) -Mag 5 Pump: 15.00 - Fraging plugs and cutters 15.00 for all dan
  10. ...and would like whatever tate1 claimed but does not want. dan
  11. I'll take the below. Where are u located? 2 different acon corals one red (25 plus heads) 35.00 Garf purple Bonsi (was a 4 inch colony, but has some die off. Just needs a good home and will make a perfect recovery. I bought this from JohnG for 300.00) 40.00 OBO have to see to explain this peice dan
  12. can you hold the purple hornets and monti for me, for sunday? dan
  13. i'll take a couple of superman shrooms.
  14. dan

    Thinning Out

    I would like the following: Acans Lords Red and Grey 12 polyps $40 Red Planet SPS about 1" frag $50 and possibly these too. Acans Lords Purple, Green, and Grey 5 polyps $25 Acans Purple 7 polyps $35
  15. anyone going there mind picking me up the red blastos and 4" purple tang? pls let me know and i can give you the $$$ before you go there. dan
  16. would u happen to be in Austin anytime? I would like the red blastos if you're goin to be in Austin.
  17. i'll take the meteor shower if chrisfowler doesnt take it.....or maybe chris wants to split with me.
  18. I have some GSP that was peeled from a piece of rock (about 3"x5") & a cluster of clove polyps (bought from Aquadome) that I do not anymore. The clove polyps were greenish when I purchased it, but are now more brownish than greenish. Trades are always welcome, but free if anyone is interested. Will be available Monday between 4pm and 9pm if anyone wants to stop by.
  19. how much is the armor of god. i would like a frag. dan

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