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Everything posted by Christian

  1. so the corals in my tank that need light what do I do about them? when I turn off the light for 3 days? I'll post some pick of the tank later tonight so y'all can see the tanks. the 55 and the 29.
  2. what if iput the clowns from the 55 into my 29 would that be better than adding them back into the 55g tank after a wile like 4 weeks or longer?
  3. I don't have a tester for posphates, and hard metals and what is TDS?
  4. Christian


    Can I put a orange skunk into my 55g tank with my 2 Ocellaris clowns? the clowns have been in the tank for almost a year.
  5. I have tested the well water and it's all good nothing out of the ordinary. I ask around and they all say that well water is good for salt water because you don't have to put any chemicals in the water. I do have a skimmer but it's not in my tank because it makes bubbles where i put it and the bubbles end up in my tank and I don't like the bubbles in my tank so I took the skimmer out.
  6. so your suggesting I run a skimmer? to remove the hair algae. I would like to get a fish to eat it or some thing that eats the hair.
  7. OK in the 55g I have 2 clown fish,1 bangle carnal fish, had 5 turbo's now have 0 they all died, 1 toadstool coral, some GSP, 5 kenya trees coral, 2 blue mushrooms , button polyp an a small rock, 3 feather dusters, 5 hermit crabs and one orange ball tip anemone witch is so cool. In the 29 I have one snail, 3 hermit crabs, one pink skink clown, one emerald crab,lots of mushrooms, GSP,one green Devil's Hand Leather Coral some of those small feather dusters. in my 55g the Hp is at 8.2,the nitrate is 0, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, the salt level is at 1.024 and I don't have a phosphates test.
  8. I have not dont a water change in like a month and a half may be. so it's not that.
  9. I'm not using RO/Di water I have well water the tank is almost one year and my other tank that has the same problem and it's bin set up for almost 6 years.
  10. I have a ton of hair algae, not like a little on the rocks or on the glass. It's all over the back of the tank covering my corals, rocks, the heater.and it's really annoying. Anny one have a any thing to get rid of it all.
  11. that's so kool mine that I have like that in my tank but not spreed that much.
  12. Christian

    want corals

    sorry for spelling and will do
  13. Christian

    want corals

    Dena do you have any pics?
  14. Christian

    want corals

    I'm also willing to trade some of my kenya tree corals.
  15. How much does a calcium tester cost and what is a 2 part supplement?
  16. Christian

    want corals

    I'm look for some medium lighting need corals to add to my tank, any thing except GSP,mushrooms and kenya tree coal because I have a lot of those.
  17. ok, instead of making another topic i will ask here. how much calcium should be in a tank with out stony corals? And if I add stony corals to the tank will it bring down the amount of calcium. I have lights from my 20g tank that I was making rimless but it broke so I made one of my 10g rimless and it's sitting dry on my dresser right now but I might put my clowns in it because they are being mean to my other fish. ( the clowns in my 55g tank.)
  18. Is there a way to make my wet-dry filter in to a light less refugium?
  19. that is a kool video but I don't really want that much of a sway in the water I would be afraid that it would splash out of the tank and all over the floor.
  20. Ok kool I'll look in to that it might be peaty interesting to have in my 55 gallon tank.
  21. I was wondering how do you make your tank water sway back and forth like in the ocean or sea? for corals like Gorgonians. How do you make plankton in your tank with out a refugiam O, also what is a wave box?
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