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Posts posted by JimD

  1. Here is what I like to do. I prepare some dry rock rubble for frag mounting, large enough pieces that can't be knocked around. I cut the frag about 1/4" above the plug, of course this is for SPS, and mount the frag to the rock with some super glue. I then place the frag into the tank at a desired location. I then place the plug in my tank somewhere to quickly heal and grow out. I then offer it up for free, trade or sale depending upon what it cost me originally. I usually can get rid of them within 2 weeks. That way I get a nice piece and then I can help out another reefer for next to nothing.

    ^^^ awww, thats so sweet... :D I use live rock rubble for plugs, if something I receive comes on a funky looking plug, I trim it to fit a hole in the rock somewhere.

  2. Those things are known for trapping air in the return and need to be occasionaly purged... Put your hand over the output of the return and allow the water in the last chamber to rise almost to the point of overflow then release, the water level should drop to normal.

  3. If you soak it in bleach, there isnt gonna be any life so no cycle. It'll need to be rinsed in clean water to remove the bleach, you sure dont want any of that in your tank.. Dont use bleach, use water change water, that will help to seed the rock and give it a head start on becoming live. If anything, you want to 'cook' the rocks to get it to release all its built up detritus. Lots of info on the net.

  4. OK so how do I start the cultures growing on what is really just limestone rock I dug out of a hillside. It has been in my tank for about 3 years or more. Is it live or not? It is green and red with algae of some sort but how do I tell? What is the (to use possibly out-dated terminology) litmus test? I have added various corals attached to pieces of rubble with purple algae I assumed was coraline. Would they have spread the bacteria that makes my rock live? (It's ALIVE! It's ALIVE! Igor - close the switches.)

    I guess I am confused by all of the reading I have done. There are so many many opinions and so many seem to contradict each other. All I know is I am not really very happy with my tank. It doesn't look like the others I have seen at the various meetings.

    Howsabout some backround on your tank? Some idea of what youre working with would help.. What you have is probably live-ish, Texas holey rock isnt the best for filtration because of its limited area and weight. Really need more info...

  5. Nope, with detectable nitrates and ammonia, your not completely cycled yet, those should all be at zero. I doubt what youre seeing is Bryopsis, it usually grows on the rock in areas where detritus collects, most likely some hair algae due to the elevated nitrates. Its best to get your own test kits and do it yourself, those 'all in one' kits are about as reliable as the weather. Whats your calcium level?

  6. I not sure I see the problem... It looks healthy enough, nice and plump, The pictures are totally different. One is blue and the other looks more natural. Doesnt look bleached to me...

  7. Peppermint shrimp for the small ones, liquid calcium injection for the large ones. You dont have to be quite as concerned with the calcium as you would with kalk...

  8. Unfortunately that is all to common at MAAST and has been this way for about a year now. It is sad to see that MAAST has veered so far off track as to have alienated all of the old "super stars", many of them no longer post locally at all but have decided to only hang at RC. Ric you story is far to common. I can understand your not wanting to post there any longer, and what makes it even worse is when the Pres of the community jumps your case over nothing as he has done to so many others.

    Ya'll can bash maast all you want, the rules are there for everyone equaly. No links to Ebay are allowed whether directly or indirectly. The people who understand maast are willing to oblige by the rules, the ones who arent, can go elsewhere. Its not far too common, this only happens when people try to bend the rules and think it goes unseen, it doesnt. The original poster had every opportunity to send the ebay info via pm, he chose not too, thus the removal of the post. The moderator did exactly what he was supposed to do and I personally have no regrets for his actions,. Now, if you want to personally bash me for my opinions, feel free, however, if you'd like to discuss it and reach a mutual agreement, I'd be more than willing to help. MAAST is not off track as implied, in fact, its heading in a positive direction and gaining recognition as a valuable recource in the reefing communities, why do you thine the club has so many enthusiastic sponsors? MAAST has no desire to work against ARC, we all share the same interest and should work together as an educational force...

  9. You'll have much better luck with Peppermint shrimp if you 'train' them,. By that I mean, put them in a seperate tank with a rock that has Aiptasia and dont feed the tank so the Aips are the shrimps only food source,.. Once you get them to eat the things, you'll stand a much better chance of them eating Aiptasia in the main tank, this has worked perfectly for me in the past.

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