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Everything posted by finfriend

  1. Interested in the Co2 regulator. Please let me know if it is still available.

  2. Anyone know where I can get reasonably priced servicing on my CO2 regulator? I had my tank refilled and when I hooked up my regulator it started having problems. The timing is strange since it was working fine before the refill but now one of the gauges appears to be malfunctioning. I've been to Home Brew and they couldn't help. I can't seem to find anyone in Austin that will service CO2 regulators. Airgas ships them away and the price is high. Please let me know if you have any ideas where I can get servicing or a new gauge for the regulator. Thanks!
  3. OK, maybe it is not "with GREAT sadness" but I've had this really nice Toadstool Shaped live rock for quite some time so this offer is bittersweet. My montipora caps are encroaching on it's territory and so I must let it go. You don't see many live rocks that are nice stand alone pieces but this one is. It is appox 4 inches wide by almost 12 inches tall and has a definite toadstool shape to it - but that's not all! It is adorned with "over 200" Wammin Watermellon zoas, a few Radioactive Dragon Eyes, about 50 Pink Panthers and over 20 purplish colored mushrooms that glow neon green under actinics! Just asking $75 OBO. Would consider trade for SPS but it would have to be pretty tempting.
  4. Zoas are overgrowing my frag rack so I need to share. Covered plugs are $10 no matter the number of zoas - mostly green stars with brown skirts (christmas trees), big green palys, orange w/ brown skirts. Larger pieces w/ Eye of Rah available at 25 cents per zoa. SPS avaiable too - several kinds. Large rock with half Eye of Rah and half green palys (more than you can count) $50. Trades are welcome!
  5. Good trade Mike. Hope the corals do well for you. Thanks, Brian
  6. Yes, I have pink tipped frogspawn, a brown with white tips torch, zenia, zoas, palys and mushrooms available. You may be able to do ok with digitatas - I have orange and purple and you might do ok with a green slimer. What are you looking for and what is your lighting?
  7. I need a Mag-Drive 12 or 9.5 to replace my return pump that went out. It doesn't have to be a new model, just working well. I have a new in the box Korallia Evolution 1400 - also have lots of corals available for trade.
  8. Sorry, the small one has sold as well.
  9. But I didn't request a Yuma. Maybe you were thinking of Lamont. I have a frag of red planet that is pretty small but encrusting.
  10. Yuma?? This is getting confusing - fun... but confusing. LOL ERIK, who did you mean regarding the Yuma?
  11. Erik and Lamont, looked like you guys were excited about the Red Planet. Did you get that deal arranged? If not, I may be able to help you out. LMK Hydro, yes - the deal sounds great. Looking forward to it!
  12. Yuma?? This is getting confusing - fun... but confusing. LOL
  13. Come on in Stoneroller - the water's fine. By the way the acans and silver b.p. I got from you are doing well.
  14. Recent Update: Hydro and Erik, got out the old dremel and the Efflo frags came out 3/4 by a little over an inch each. The Pink C. a little over an inch.
  15. Hydro, I think I can hook you up. The $500 Efflo will only be about 1/2 inch but I think I can get you an inch on the Pink Champagne - fresh cut. What would you like for the Red Lobo and a Corbins?
  16. Erik, I have promised the RBTA to Chad and Belinda. Let me give you an idea of a few other things I have that I didn't mention earlier - although most would be fresh cut. By the way, the Green Slimer I'm giving you is 3 inches encrusted and multi branching. Nothern Lights Nasuta Purple Stag Green pocci JG yellow small - Tyree LE $500 Efflo small - Dr Mac UFO Efflo Tri-color Acro pink xenia silver xenia blue milli sunset milli (sold to me as green but identical to the sunset I've seen) green bottlebrush spumosa - encrusted Monty's Skittles Stylphora
  17. Me or Lamont on the blastos? Actually it was me who had listed some blastos but I sold them yesterday - sorry Erik. Erik, I was most interested in the Geman Blue but saw on one post that you added - not available - is it gone? Brian
  18. Hydro, here are a couple pics of my Pink Champagne, it's one of my favorites. Kind of has an aquamarine color with pink polyps and it glows. I can't capture the colors with my digital camera but they are somewhat similar to the pink jade only lighter and it grows in a more upright stag type habit. I got it from John Gilbert before he left the hobby and I have not seen it available anywhere on line. I'm bummed I won't be able to hit your garage sale next weekend due to work. I'd like to check out that 440 sometime.
  19. I would have loved to come to this! My weekend to work too - crap!
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