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Everything posted by Jurgy

  1. second on the details of scuba steve frogspawn... Does someone have a pic of it??
  2. aiptasia is getting out of control... I need to find some Joe's Juice!

  3. Jurgy

    Mag 12 pump $75

    My 180 is empty and I just have this pump sitting around. So I figure $75 is a fair price. Let me know if you are interested. Matt
  4. I pick up one yesterday. This post can be deleted.
  5. Alright I have one just looking for one more. Maybe even the 1050 or 1400 evolution.
  6. I have a 40b and I'm looking to hang a skimmer off the back. If you have something available shoot me a message. Thanks, Matt
  7. Is this skimmer still available?
  8. I'm looking for 2 of these. If someone has one or knows a store that has pretty good deals on these let me know. Thanks Matt
  9. Thanks, but I just found one yesterday.
  10. I'm looking for a stand for a 40g breeder tank. Let me know if anyone has seen one or has one available. Thanks, Matt
  11. Jurgy


    Are you willing to sell 40g breeder stand separate?
  12. Jurgy

    yuma mushrooms

    Thanks! I sent Mama a message and will try to stop by RCA Saturday.
  13. Does anyone have or have seen any nice Yuma's locally? I would like to add a few to my setup, but would prefer to purchase locally before going to an online vendor. Thanks,
  14. I purchased this tank with the canopy already made. How big is the tank you are looking to build a canopy for?
  15. I have an oceanic 180 gallon aquarium and stand for sale with a home made canopy. I moved into a new home and just have not had the time to get it up and running. There are some scratches on the the glass but otherwise in really nice condition. I'm looking for $750.00 for tank/stand/canopy/homemade sump and plumbing that I have. E-mail me with interest and I will post pictures later today. Matt
  16. Thank for the replies, someone sent me a PM that seems to have a nice selection of everything. I will keep you both in mind if I would like more.
  17. I'm looking for a few montipora capricornis frags. I'm after red,orange, purple rim, blue polyp,pink polyp etc. Let me know what you have available I would prefer under 5". Thanks, Matt
  18. Yeah I think it's the flow. I have light on it so I'm not worried about that, but I haven't been able to produce good flow through the fuge. I'm going to look at it tonight and try to modify the direction of the flow. I think the flow is more towards the top of the fuge.
  19. Jurgy


    If they are any frags left I would like one as well. Matt
  20. Currently I have been running a 10 gallon for about 8 months with a modified AC110 acting as my refugium. I have not had a refugium before and I want to make sure I'm getting the benefits of using one. I have some small live rock in it and a ball of green chaeto. When I looked at the Chaeto today it almost looks like it is collecting dirt and hasn't really grown since I placed it inside the fuge. I'm not sure if I need to add more flow to the fuge or try to change the direction of the flow. Any input is appreciated. Thanks, Matt
  21. I'm looking to get myself an aquarium controller for the holidays and I'm looking for a Reef Keeper Elite. Does anyone know of any local dealers that would either have this product in stock or would be able to order one? Maybe someone is looking to sell one that they own? Thanks, Matt
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