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Posts posted by Bmwaaron

  1. Yea I also had a hard time with the color since my tank has 2 diffrent bulbs on it at the moment. I have a Reeflux 12k on the left side and a Phoenix 14k on the right side. I am going back to the Phoenix 14k after trying the Reeflux 10k's for a few months. The Phoenix is the Best bulb I have seen IMO. I get way better blues with the Phoenix

  2. Well I have had the yellow sponge from the start but I noticed Im starting to get some pink sponge also. Was wondering what color of sponge everyone else has. I would love to get some blue sponge if anyone has some.

  3. Sounds great! It is fun to watch those guys swim around. Have you seen any baby mysis shrimp. Those are crazy because they look just like bigger shrimp and you didn't put them in the tank.

    I dont think I have seen any Mysis but I do have a ton of Amphipods. I will contiue looking :angry:

  4. Ok so I built my Refugium with a cryptic zone, I have only seen a few sponges take up the area but what I did notice tonight is it is a pod haven!!! I Have thousands of Copepods swimming around down there. I made a mistake of putting a few blue leg crabs in the fuge when I got it and I think they were eating the pods but now that the crabs are all dead in that area I can see so many pods. Hopefully the rest of the refugium will look like that soon.

  5. I feed twice a day with no ill consequences. Anthony Calfo said the best SPS food is fish poop. Of course you have to skim well and do water changes often if feeding heavy.

    But dont you make your own food? I am using 1 cube at feeding time and I alternate what type of food I feed.

  6. Ran test today

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrate 0

    Nitrite 0

    P04 0

    Mg 1380

    Dlk 9.2

    CA 410

    PH 8.2

    I am going to start feeding my Corals eveyother morning. I think I may have low nutrients causing the SPS to be more Neon in color then I would like. I have read and been told that they may need more food to darken a bit in color.

    I have 8 fish and feed them one cube once a day. They go through it so fast that none of it is getting into the tank to other things like the coral. I will feed at AM before lights on.

  7. Well I wanted to know how everyone is dipping there new corals. I have just been using the iodine dip but was wondering if I should be dipping new corals in interceptor also.. And if so does anyone know a local vet who will sell it for Marine use?

  8. Anyone know why this coral would fade? Mine on the new sections is almost a clearish red color. Im not sure if its just the nature of this coral or if my tank is doing it.

    Do LPS in genral fade color in low Nutrient tanks?

  9. Well all is going well still, I have a Black crab that is eating SPS :angry: if I ever get ahold of him...

    I tested water tonight

    Ph 8.2

    Alk 7.9

    PO4 0

    Mg 1350

    CA 410

    Temp 79.8

    I also got a new effluent valve for my CA reactor tonight, It should help keep things more stable since I wont have to constantly play with the amount of water coming out of the effluent chamber. I am also trying ZeoMag in my CA reactor, I had to bring my MG up from 1100 recently and don't want to have to do it again so hopefully this will help.

  10. Hey all, Wondering if anyone has any experience with this fish? They look very cool and I wanted to get a new fish. I was thinking this or maybe 2-3 flasher wrasses. If anyone has some suggestions let me know.

  11. Here are some comparisons of Corals from September to Now



    This is my Hulk Acro then and now, I would say its easily tripled in size



    This is a Red Milli, The picture does not do it justice




    These 2 corals are next to each other

    And a Full tank shot then and now



  12. mili0818.jpg

    This is my first SPS, its a Green and Pink Milli from Brian


    This was my second coral I received from Mike Hummel


    This is a Incredible Hulk Acro that came from Rommel





    The last 4 corals I got from MACNA in September 06


    I got this one also from Rommel, Not sure what it is

  13. This is where I add water to my Reef, July 9 2006


    And now for some rock!!!


    I got the rock from Brian of KFA. He helped me with some of the plumbing and allot of questions




    My first coral came with the rock.. A little piece of Xenia

  14. I made a Refugium out of a 50 gallon Acrylic tank. The bottom is supposed to be a Cryptic zone


    This is just a picture of the Fuge as I was working on it


    Another view of the fuge


    This is the water supply system I set up. Its on a float switch that is feed by my RO/DI unit, I made the white stand out of egg crate to prevent the Auto top of system from taking to much water all at once, I can also manually switch the RO/DI supply line off so that it only has access to about 5 gallons of water and can not flood my house when I'm not home.



    This is a picture of the refugium almost ready for water, Notice the chiller on the right

  15. Hello all, I'm going to start this thread today... Here are some pictures of the beginning


    This was the Tank June 3 2006


    This is the Sump kinda empty at this time


    Right side view of the Sump with Ehiem 1262 Return pump


    Closet under the stairs were the Sump is located and the light ballast.

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