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Posts posted by mdavis735

  1. if you ever need a camera that is inexpensive,but has some manual controls the canon a590is is working pretty well for me.my camera skills are very lacking to say the least,but i am slowly working on that.this camera has shutter shutter priority,aperature priority,and "full manual" settings.the iso can go from auto to 80 to 1600.it doesn't have a lens that will do the super close up zoom shots,but for well under$200 it does a good job.in my opinion

  2. i will try to make a couple of frags if/when i ever figure out what they are.they would only have 1-2 heads per frag.i know mike said his were not,but after watching them eat i keep thinking they could be some sort of rock anemone.i took sone pics yesterday of them eating.i'll try to post them tonight or yomorrow.

  3. i'll take number 10.can i pick up sometime after noon today?

    I'll take #1 if still available. You can just take the funds out from the refund that I got from Vivid, if that is cool.
  4. i appriciate the tips.those were taken in AP mode with an fstop of 2.6.i will try raising the iso.those were shot at 80.i am not sure why i thought the iso was supposed to be low.guess i'll have to try some more tomorrow.

    The reflection is cool! A tripod would be nice.

    A couple of tips.

    If you can bump the ISO up to 800 you would get a greater depth of field.

    Also, when you get a tripod use your timer too, this eliminate camera movement.

    And finally if your camera offers aperature priority I would shot in that mode too.

    I'm no expert just my 2 cents.

  5. i honestly think they are some sort of paly.they have no skeleton.only a soft"foot".if i ever find out for sure and they are as rare as they seem. . . i'll have to give em a fancy name,frag em,then have me an auction :-) its almost vacation time and gas is skyrocketing again.

    If those are palys, then those are bad***. I want a frag
  6. the tubes are part of the rock.not the "thing"the thing has a foot for each separate mouth.the foot is just inside the tube on the rock so that the "thing" extends out of these holes in the rock.

    My first guess was rock anemone as well but the tubes you are describing would throw that theory. Can we see a pick of the tubes?
  7. medi:with the mouths the way they are they resemble some sort of small anemone,but they never have moved or done anything else to make me think thats what they were.

    mike:i always thought they were identical to duncans as well.excepth the skeleton being nonexistant and they seem to have more color then most of the duncans i have seen.mine are in a rock that is very unique.it looks like ot has tubes attached to it,but it is the rock itself.these things come from inside those tubes

  8. i have one type of hairy mushroom.it looks totally different.this could certainly be a different type.i first thought it was some type of paly.then it got this big and doesnt look so much like one.

  9. i was just messing around with my camera and thought i would share a couple of pics.i need to get a tripod.i think that would help alot.oh yeah and maybe a better camera.

    i thought this was cool.i called it reflections


    i got this teal milli from azcummins awhile back,and the eye of raw also.it started as 3 polyps



    this is my superman monti i got 2 or 3 months ago


    my acan i have had for around a year.it thinks its time to eat because i turned pumps off


    this is my pink jade.it was a 1 inch frag.when i changed from my 55 gallon to the 92 gallon it broke off the frag plug and got lost.all i had was the frag plug with glue left.i saved it just in case a polyp or two might be left.that was 6-8 months ago.this is it now.if you look to the right you can see my frag of the dreaded blue jokers.keep your fingers crossed for me.so far they have survived and opened every day.i have had them 8-10 days i think


    and these are my keds reds i got last week.along with some blue hornets


  10. i have these things that were on a piece of rock i got.they started out small and few.now after just over a year they are much bigger and there are several of them.i have never seen anything else just like them before.i dont have a good size reference except they are nearly as big a round as a baseball.



  11. how long has it been taking for you guys "blue hornets" to melt?i bought a frag on wednesday and it looks great so far.it was guaranteed melt free and his mother colony had lots of polyps.

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