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Posts posted by versace

  1. I am seriously impressed with the whole build. Take it from someone who does reef tanks for a living, you have serious talent! This aquarium is a great saltwater interpretation of an Amano tank. I can't wait to see how you place your corals and how this tank grows in. If i had to offer any criticism, I think that eventually a black background will offer better contrast to the corals. But that is just a personal preference thing. Looks like the tank is off to a great start, and be sure to let us know if we can help you with anything.

    Wow~ ^_^

    Thanks Kingfish .

    Actuality this thak made for fish only setup.

    But... maybe I put in some strong coral.

    And thanks for your background opinion. I agree. :)

    I will touch you when I need your help.

  2. I agree. It is really cool. Reminds me of a zen garden.
    ^_^ Very cool, love the rock work! Waiting is the hardest part in this hobby!

    I feel.. not much good that rock setting..

    Anyway you guys like that setting.

    I'm so happy.

    Thanks. beefytang. FishyCat

  3. Hi Kyoung, nice job, you're a brave man drilling the tank yourself!

    Glad to see you made use of the overflow boxes!

    Thankyou. Sir

    haha... Drilling is not so hard ^_^

    I'm always thanks for overflow boxes and everything.

    How about your tank?

    I want see your tank again. ^_^

  4. Thank you, sir. :)

    I came back just ago.

    You have wonderful reeftanks.

    By the way, I forgot to ask you regarding plastic corner.

    I would like to see you again when I go to Austin.

    I will make a frag of the kennya tree for you.

    Anyway, thanks again.

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