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Posts posted by Laura

  1. BROOOOOKS!!!!

    Remember if you get dwarf seahorses, they eat ONLY BBS...you'll be hatching on a daily basis like me.... :doh:

    WELCOME BACK!!! or thought of.... :blush:

    Hatching Baby Brines O_O? Or hatching baby seahorses?! :D :D :D

    bbs=babybrineshrimp..yo-yo :D

  2. Well nano fish seem to be... Entertaining... I guess. We spent our new years eve chasing fish who were small enough to fit in the cracks of the overflow on a biocube... One made it all the way to the return side! (don't ask me how) and the little highfin went in the grate at the bottom where the sand bed is... Still haven't gotten him to come out. There will be some tank modifications today, that's for sure!!

    I give you credit for being up at 6:16 AM on New Years Day!! I will be doing the same Whit as I woke up to about 150 baby seahorses....oy... :doh:

  3. I think unfortunately many people are either getting out of the hobby or trimming down. The holidays are hard too as our $$$ needs to go towards others and not into the tanks. I, for instance, have lost some my drive for the passion of the hobby and am on hiatus. I hardly look at my tanks anymore... :hmm: But I'll pep up again and have decided NOT to make any harsh decisions because I know I will regret it later!! For s split second, I wanted to close down everything...I think it was the eggnog...

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