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Posts posted by Dena

  1. So my price is okay for this guy? I couldn't find any pricing anywhere. This guy seems to get more color as he gets older. I've only had him maybe a year and he got that big that fast. Seems to have slowed down with the growth some, thank god! You should come and look at him, you may want him anyway LOL.

  2. I THINK I have a Dussumieri Tang. Photos online show all different color variations, but there is one on wetwebmedia.com that looks exactly like mine. wetwebmedia.com/acantidfaqs.htm (11th photo down). Looking to sell mine for $70. Not sure exact size, but more than 6" according to my husband. I've had him since he was two inches. He's always been healthy and a good eater...never aggressive with my other tangs, but sometimes pushy and postures for territory. I don't have a tank so my fish are in a black tub and the photos of this fish were the best I could do. I will not catch him until you are here to pick up and you will need your own bucket. You must have a large enough tank...he is big and will get bigger!

    Also selling two PJ Cardinals for $15 each. I've had them a few years and they are a good size. Will take $25 for both. Will also need your own container and will not catch until you are hear to pick up. Couldn't get photos of these, but I'm sure you can figure out what they look like.





  3. The filter I'm using is just like the original one, but one size bigger. The filter normally fits into the back piece, but this one is just a little too big and I didn't feel like modifying the piece to make it fit.

  4. Here are some photos. This is the six gallon. They make a 12 gallon one now too. They also have an LED light option and there are a couple of websites that sell just the LED light for it. I've got one at work that I'm thinking about getting the LED for. They originally came with halogen...hot and not good color.





  5. I got this a year ago from someone. They had cut the back of the hood off to accommodate a canister filter.. They replaced the light with a tiny coralife pc for corals. I still have the back piece, but the filter I am using is larger than stock so it can't be used unless you wanted to buy a new filter later on (they sell every piece of this online.

    I'll take photos this evening. No scratches that I know of. The hood is cracked on the side and because of the salt the metal top is rusted, but doesn't affect anything. Has black sand in it...can throw in a couple of small rocks as well. Housing the pistol shrimp/goby I'm selling.

    Asking $40.

  6. That must have been hard. I had this boy for four days and then my friend took him into her program. The next night he showed signs, was diagnosed Monday and then died Wed. We thought for sure he'd make it...he seemed like a strong boy. He was full of life. Someone on CL was trading him for a bird and I couldn't let that happen. I know they meant well after meeting them, but I knew that I could definitely get him into a good home. He had only a partial front left leg...didn't hold him back at all. My friend had a home in Chicago wanting him (previous adopter)...they were going to train him for therapy work. He had a wonderful life ahead of him and it's so hard to see that gone so quickly.

    Both him and my girl were sudden...hadn't gotten over losing him last week Wed. and then had to bring Rosie in Monday. Thought it was just a broken/infected tooth. It was cancer...ate her jaw...and she was STILL eating. I knew it hurt and I couldn't let her hurt longer just for me. My vet adored her and was crying also.

  7. Having them gone sooner would be better so if you can get them Saturday mframe, they are yours. I would keep them if I had another place to put them, but I currently only have a 10g and it has an angler that would eat both. The rest of my fish will be in a plastic tub for the next 6mths and my puffer would probably make a meal out of the shrimp anyway.

    Text me Saturday 512-697-7192. I've currently have no plans to go anywhere...if I feel up to it I'll check out the grand opening. I've been feeling crappy though. Had to put down one of my older dogs Monday unexpectedly, and lost a pup to Parvo last week that I helped rescue.

  8. I've had these two for about 8mths. They paired up at the store and have been together since. The shrimp is a very active cave digger in the 6g tank they are in. When they were in the 84g I had I thought they died...they were half the size and apparently set up shop where I couldn't see them. I will try to get photos, but when I get close to the tank the goby often darts in the cave. Nice little pair that must stay together...I'm going to be taking down their little nano tank.

    Asking $30.

  9. Yeah, I had them in a 6g fluval ebi tank. The male picked on other fish that weren't even bothering them. Then once they laid more eggs he'd pick on the itty bitty babies. I have another male and female in my fluval edge...male is not nearly mature enough for the female, but I am sure once he is I'll be having to figure out what to do with them or the others in the tank.

  10. I'll try to take some tonight. I have about four babies, normal coloring, from their last clutch you can take if you end up wanting the parents. I think if the tank was bigger, having other fish wouldn't be a problem. Like you, I have a lot of tanks...all except my dang large reef (now just a plastic tub). I've got four small tanks and two beta tanks and two more nano's at work. I just want a little counter space back smile.png I've had these two for about a year. I'm sure you know, but they don't get very big...like 2" max and the female is only about 1 1/2".

    Here is a link to ones that look JUST like mine:


  11. Now I need about $2950 more to get my new 300g LOL. Actually, I snagged some medical reimbursement checks from hubby before he deposited them. Told him I'm saving them for my tank, no discussion! So I really need $1,000 to get it started and then another $1500 2mths from then.

  12. Anyone interested in a mated pair of Albino Kribensis? I paid $20 each at Aquatek and am asking $20 for the pair. The male is really pretty...female has a yellow tint to her. They have had many clutches. The last couple didn't make it because I've been slacking on water changes. Decided I wanted to make their little tank into a nano salt water.

    Note...you can't have any other fish with them when they lay eggs, get ready to lay eggs, or have the babies. They are very protective. I have them in a 6g fluval shrimp tank. I set up a 5g tank to hold their babies in when they got ready to have more.



  13. Sold already. I got it used. I actually had a guy to donate it so I could raise money for a vet bill. I sold it to a friend...who sold it back to me because he was moving and didn't have room to store it any more. It's so cheap because the glass is literally covered with tiny scratches. Yea, mostly noticeable when dry, but I wouldn't feel right asking more for it. Anyway, sold already...got a phone call and was just now able to update.

  14. Asking $50...good starter tank. Just took it down...was temp. housing some stuff that now fits in a ten gallon. I'm not allowed to keep the Red Sea Max, per my husband (long story). There are a lot of fine scratches on the glass. You can see them when it's dry. When it's got water in it, it's not as noticeable. When I got it, it had water in it and i had no idea there were scratches until I went to set it up.

    So...low price due to that. Has the stock skimmer and pc lights. Lights need to be replaced I'm sure. No heater...comes with a little black sand with lots of pods. I'm not rinsing and cleaning it either...has only been up for a couple months. Must pick up.




  15. HA! Funny Chad! If I had a tank that would be considered downsizing. All I have a rubbermaid tub. I have a saltwater fish pond rather than a tank. Won't have $$ for another 3mths, then it will take another 2mths to build the tank. Just not sure what I want to do right now...not exactly fair to keep the fish living like this for THAT long. It's already been over a month.

  16. Bump for a great price and great light!

    Just an idea of how much they cover...we wanted to buy 8 and only could afford six for our 280g. The tank was 6ft long by 31" tall by 30" wide. We put the lights on at 50% to let corals adjust and, honestly, I didn't think it needed to go higher. It looked awesome...didn't need 8 after all. Here's a photo before our tank cracked.


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