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Posts posted by TyLee

  1. Igot your PM. Tried calling left a message w/my phone number.

    It is a brand new pH probe. I set the RK2 to use then proceded to calibrate the probe through the RK2 using the 7.0 and 10.0 calibration solutions. I have had in the 7.0 packet for 30 minutes then it times out. The probe or the RK2 is only reading 0000. Is there a trick to this?

    Have you updated the RK2 with the latest firmware? Also might look for the instruction manual at the Digital Aquatics website.

  2. Has anyone ordered from them before? They're offering half off shipping for Memorial Day and I was curious about your experiences.

    I ordered from them several times last year. Their fish is healthy and packing is very good. Their shipping rate is for standard overnight, not priority overnight.

  3. I have both a wave box and a mp40w

    The wave box can create a true wave while the Vortech just randomly speed up/ slow down the power head.

    You can get more flow (turbulent) water on the Vortech.

    Wavebox takes more space than the mp40w.

    Tunze USA is locally is Austin - a convenience if your unit needs service.

    I have the wave box in my 210g softies tank - love the back/forth movement of the corals in response the the wave.

    The MP40w is in my 34g SPS tank. The sps love the random turbulent water of the Vortech.


  4. Really good start Ty!

    You might want to try turning off autofocus if you can, and also narrow up the aperture a little. That will give you a bit deeper focus. The depth of field you can hold with any particular focal length and distance is dependent on the lens aperture. The more you have to open the aperture to get enough light, the shallower the depth of field.


    Thanks Paul.

    I had it on manual focus and the camera on a tripod, flash off. For some reason I never could get a good focus.

  5. Hey guys,

    I have a 75gpd RO/DI from Bulk Reef Supply that is unbearably slow. My water pressure is fine. I get maybe 5 gallons in 5 hours. Is this normal? Because I hope it's not. The membranes aren't very old, but they were equally slow when I first got them anyway.


    75gpd /24 hours = 3.125 g/h. You are getting more output than you are supposed to.

  6. Ive read that adding epsom salt will help treat this. any truth to that? Id like to put him in a qt but i know theres no way ill catch him. Where do you get epsom salt from? also how is it dosed? whats the best way to treat this?

    Epsom salt is magnesium sulfur. You can get it at any local pharmacies - about 2-3 dollars for a 4 lbs bag.

  7. Has anyone tried this product? Anyone know if it is available local?

    I have been following a thread on reef central related to someone using this to battle GHA. I didn't want to use something like this, but I'm thinking it might be worth a shot to immediately make an impact while I find the source and increase water changes. My kits should be here today and will test a new batch of saltwater and specifically my source water.

    I have not used this product but a Sea Hare wiped out my 210g full of GHA in just a few days.


  8. Are you sure you're a reef newbie? Looks like you've been around the block on this one.

    I 've been keeping salt water fish for over 15 years. This is my first attemp at SPS corals. I've done a lot of reading on other reef keeping forums before I found this site. I also have a 210g reef that is also 1 year old with mostly fish, LPS and softies.


  9. How do you like the controller? Any issues?

    I know a lot of users having issues with their controllers. Mine is working fine for me. It controls heater and chiller, lights, wave maker, ATO, turn on chiller when temperature reach 80 degree and turn off lights if temperature reaches 83 degree . DigitalAquatics is working deligently on firmware update.


  10. So are you getting a wave out of that vortec? I know there is not much room for one. Also, what kind of reactor is that on the side?

    It's a MP40W and I have to turn the speed about 75% max because I got too much wave at 100% speed. The reactor on the side is a phosphate reactor. I also have a carbon reactor hanging on the back.


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