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Guppy (1/6)



  1. Yikes! Thank you all for the replies . I do have one small emerald crab in the tank. (Though I do not see him most of the time.) My tank is 70G. Should I get more? I plan to manually remove what I can by hand and a siphon it out as much as possible this weekend. Any word of caution? Thanks again you guys are great!
  2. Hi All, Hoping this is not a bad algae. I have heard of bubble algae is bad. I am hoping this is not it.... This is in my main tank and growing. No one seems interested in taking a bite. Should I take this out?
  3. quicc

    Missing fish.

    Thank you for the replies. The fish was about 3/4 inch long. I have looked (as best I can) in side the over flow with mirror and light form top and bottom but could not see any fish. Did see more algae or sea weed than I wanted to see . Did not think of the sump. Was hoping I could find the little guy there but no luck. I will let it be. Thank you for the advice on not to move the rocks to look for it.
  4. I have a 70G reef setup that I just started in November. I purchased a Pygmy Angel in the middle on December form a LFS. I have not seen him for few weeks now. I do have several other fish that seem to be doing fine. Should I go as far as to move/remove the rocks to find him. (or his remains... ) Or should I assume the cleanup cure their job? I have done water test and have not seen any evidence of a spike in ammonia or nitrite. I rater not stress out other fish and create a second causality.
  5. Thank you for all your reply. Was thinking lower temperature was better 77 or so but it seems stability is much more important. Will try to keep at 80. I now understand why heaters are needed. I have one more thing to put on my list of things to get at tomorrow's sale on the LFS Great timing!
  6. Sorry for newbie question I know this has been asked before but getting multiple range searching on the net.... I have just upgraded from a 10g nano to a 70g reef ready tank. I have two external pump on my sump. one for return and one for my protein skimmer. (500gph and 350gph) I have 2 Koralia 4, 1 Seio 820 and 1 Seio 1100. (Too much?) With no light the temp is at 80deg. (room temp is ~79) Is this too hot? I would like to keep SPS, Clam and non aggressive Fish. What do you keep your temp at? http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?showtopic=2743
  7. What is the size (W/H/D) of the tank?
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