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Posts posted by BornToHula

  1. Had a problem with the Ecotech Vectra again tonight. Around 8:00 my water level alarm started going off. In the past this had meant that the Vectra's controller failed and needed to be reset. Luckily this was not the issue again - I just received and installed a replacement controller board last week.

    This time the pump was still running, just no water was actually being pumped through it. I went in to check the pump and the whole thing was super hot! Not burning hot, but hot enough that it was uncomfortable to touch it for long, and this was under water!

    I turned off the pump and gave it about 20 minutes to cool off, then opened it up and find this calcium build up causing the pump to fail:


    I cleaned it off using vinegar and some elbow grease. This was the first time I opened it up, so I'm not sure if the o-ring wasn't properly installed at the factory or if this will be an ongoing occurrence. It seems to be working OK now but I'll have to keep an eye on it.

    This pump has only been running for 3 months and already caused a ton of headaches. I'm just glad it happened when I was home so it didn't cause any issues.

  2. I don't see anything immediately that would be a cause of the micro bubbles. If you look into the sump do you see any bubbles being produced anywhere around the return pump? Like Gig'em said even large bubbles will turn to little micro ones after going through the pump.

    If you can't see any bubbles in the sump, the only things I can thing of is the return plumbing is sucking in air from somewhere, or the water flow from the return in the display tank is creating bubbles from surface agitation. I had this happen during my build and had to add some loc-line nozzles so the return's flow was slightly underwater.

  3. I had that fuzz a while back, I added an urchin and he cleaned all up for me.

    Interesting, my tuxedo urchin doesn't seem to like the stuff too much (or maybe he is too small to make an impact). Astrea snails seem to work the best on it out of all my clean up crew.

  4. Made some progress on the dosing pump reservoir! I decided to go with 4 chambers. That way I will have room for both magnesium and amino acid dosing if I want to go that route. Each chamber is about 1.5 gallons.


    Also the battle against the mystery brown stuff continues to improve. This is the worst spot in my tank currently.


    Compared to how it was just a couple weeks ago:


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  5. So I did this test yesterday and it doesn't really reform into "snot" it just stays broken up. I've been searching online more to ID it and the closest things I can find is maybe chrysophytes or calothrix.

    Any progress here? I'm following along as I think I have something similar.

    The stuff in your video looks very similar to mine, but a little thicker. It doesn't look like its all over your rocks like mine is though.

    While the stuff initially appeared while my tank was cycling, I think it has been staying around because I was over feeding my tank and created a nutrient problem.

    To update my progress I seem to have stopped most of the growth. Now whenever a snail cleans an area it stays clean for several days. It also took about two weeks to grow back where I scrapped it off the back glass, where before it would be about 2 days.

    I have done:

    • A lot of 25 gallon (~10%) water changes. At least 2 times a week (sometimes more) since mid July. Salt has been expensive!
    • While doing water changes I scrape off anything on the glass and siphon out. Its very hard to remove from the rock (a toothbrush wont cut it) but it comes off the glass fairly easily.
    • Reduced feeding to once a day since the beginning of August. I now feed either half a cube of frozen or 1/4 cube plus a half sheet of nori. I had been feeding several times a day trying to keep my Anthias alive.
    • Rotating in new carbon & GFO every 2 weeks.
    • Slowly Increasing biopellets - I started with about a cup and have been adding 1/4 cup about once a month.

    Testing really hasn't been too helpful. Nitrates and phosphates have continually read zero, most likely due to the algae uptake.

    Things seem to be slowly turning in my favor, still a long ways to go though. The algae hasn't seemed to have any impact on coral growth.

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  6. What goes in each of the reservoirs?

    Alkalinity and calcium 2 part in the first two. Debating if I want magnesium for the 3rd or if I want to dose something like Acropower. Probably will go with mg even though my uptake is pretty low currently.

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  7. I hope to start building the dosing pump reservoir this weekend. Each section will hold a little more than 1 gallon.

    I'm getting an apex breakout box and float valves to put in each reservoir so it will alert me when it is nearing empty. I still need to figure out how to actually mount the float valves, and the apex coding to set up the alerts.


  8. If I remember correctly, the GE Silicon II has the anti-mold stuff in it which is not reef safe. You want the GE Silicon I, which doesn't have the additives in it.

    I would try to remove the silicon from the sump and re-do it with Silicon I.

  9. Can't tell but it seems filamentous and maybe not dinos. Dinos usually looks like snot with bubbles in it. If you try to grab it, it feels gooey, sorry for the lack of a more scientific term.

    If you take some and shake it in a vial, it will mostly disappear in the solution. Then give it time and it'll reform into the same snot consistency. That's how you can tell its dinos.

    So I did this test yesterday and it doesn't really reform into "snot" it just stays broken up. I've been searching online more to ID it and the closest things I can find is maybe chrysophytes or calothrix.

  10. One of the anemones that has been refusing to release from their rock finally let go after about 48 hours of being blasted by a powerhead. I put him in the 240 last night but no sign of him today. No idea where he crawled off to, hopefully not in the overflow!

    Also found some time this morning to build my filter sock holder.


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