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Posts posted by SaltCube

  1. Well I made a test kit tray this morning.
    I picked the tray up at Target and made some small acrylic baffles from some scraps I had laying around.
    I hated the Red Sea containers the test kits were in.. couldn't fit my hands in to grab anything. Plus I like having everything together and easily accessible.

    So this is what I came up with.

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  2. The start of my ricordia garden. Here is 3 that has attached to rocks and there is 8 more that need to do the same.


    Here is the other member in the house that is very interested in my fish hobby. Baxter.

    He even helps with water changes and clean up. (runs around with my towels and utensils)



  3. Setup in place.


    And this is what I have been busy with today..



    I have bought a small acrylic shelf at Target and split it in half to use it as controller mounts.

    DIY of the day.


    I have a few more wires to hang in place but everything is falling in place.

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  4. Stand doors this morning looking great..


    The wife and I started to paint and this is what we had finished.



    have to paint the inside of the doors but I will do that tomorrow when I
    have more time. Also have the door handles to attach and also paint the
    light tree.

  5. Doors being glued and screwed into place. Painting starts tomorrow.

    This doesnt appear to be your first tank >smile.png where are some of your other build threads? Your stand will open on three sides? Thats dedication. Are you planning on using any sound dampening material?

    No this is my third actually. I built a 90G DT w/ a 40B sump. Friend came by and bought it first thing. Then I decided to build a 40B-DT w/ a 40B Sump posted on a forum and was offered more than I paid so I sold that one but this my friend is my pride and joy this cube isn't going anywhere. happy.png

    Yes the stand will have 3 doors so I can remove or get in to my sump anytime at any angle. Dedication you say but I say prepared for the future of this hobby. Who knows what I will be adding or removing. turned.gif

    And I don't plan on using anything for noise. I don't think there is a need for it. hmm.png

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