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Posts posted by Sushi

  1. wow, gorgeous tank! I've got plenty of macro growing in my tank, I'll pull some of it for you and bring it to the meeting, just remind me.... I'm very forgetful >.< lol Ut-oh... Isn't is bad luck to name you're fish?! (j/k) ^_~

    <edited to add question I forgot to ask... told you! lol> Is that Kryptonite Candycane? If so thats one of my favorites! ^_^

    -Kat :)

  2. Seahorses could be an option for you, but if you go salt in a basic ten gallon be aware of evaporation. One inch on a 100 gallon tank isn't as bad has one inch on a 10. Adding a top since you aren't going to try to grow corals could help with that. I know it sounds like a sales pitch, but bigger is better with salt. I'm not saying you couldn't, but you want to do the research before you leap.

    -Kat :)

  3. So the weirdest thing happened to us yesterday. I'm gonna called it "Freaky Friday" and blame it on Friday the 13th.... all but one of our regulars came in the store... I don't think thats ever happened since I started working here.... weird. :(

    -Kat ;)

  4. oh I'm definatly going to check it out, I just didn't want to get my hopes up to high... I REALLY wish I could have had the spare cash to go to Alamo Drafthouse for the Transformers grand opening... they had a pre-movie show with Robosaurus in the South Lamar Location's parking lot.... that would have been AWESOME ^_^:D

    Or check out some of these other Real Live Dinobot Videos.


  5. All I want out of it is a good time at the movies. ^_^ The only problem is I'm a bit of a nerd about comics so most of the comic based movies are horrible to me. I liked what they did with Sincity and V for Vendetta, but I couldn't stand the Fantastic Four or the last two x-men and Spiderman movies (but the first ones for both trilogies were fun)... so I was a little apprehensive about this one....


  6. Thanks, Kat. I saw your reply to my coco worm post but I think I'd better get a grip on my algae before adding anything else. I have a 40 gal tall tank. I have about 5-6 large turbo snails, 4 nas. snails, 4-5 hermit crabs, and 2 larch conch snails. They usually only surface when at feeding time, but I can see their "trails" often.I'm in Georgetown and using RO water. As for phosphates, I don't even know what that is. I'm new to SW and learning as I go.Hi, Cindy. I'm using RO water from a store called H20 to Go. I do 12 gal water changes, and come to think of it, I've done the water changes weekly for the last 2 weeks because my nitrates were high. I put the 12 gal of RO into a trash can with the salt (IO), buffer, & a powerhead overnight, then do the change. I got the "changing equip", buffer, and the lights all about the same time. And it was about that time the algae began.

    That sounds, or looks rather, like a pretty well rounded collection of snails. Phosphate is one of the many minerals you'll get to know when keeping a reef tank. I could go into a long and confusing description of it, but all you really need to know is that phosphates feed algae. The good news is its an easy problem to fix. All you have to do is add some phosbuster in a media bag to your filter or sump. The other thing you'll need to do is test your source water. This is sort of contraversal since you get your water through a store, and I'm not saying anything bad about any store! Its not unheard of for RO systems, although one of your best bets, to have issues with the constant flux we get here locally from our tap. Certain areas are better than others about this. The other thing I'm going to recommend is if at all possible try to avoid doing a water change after a heavy rain. A lot of ppl have come to the store and mentioned noticing more Phosphates after it rains. Here is a good source if you'd like to know more...



  7. My boyfriend and I are celebrating our 1 year aniversary today and are thinking of going to see the new Transformers movie. I've gone to the last few superhero/fan boy blockbusters and have been sorely disapointed each time. I really don't want to be disapointed on my anniverary, so I was curious we everyone thought of it. Feel free to discuss any movie you like in this thread... ^_^


  8. wow he is a beauty! You could try an algae clip on either side of the tank, maybe he'll be more comfortable if there is a smaller group to contend with. Kudos to you for sticking with a plan and not giving into a random mystery fish you just had to have! You should be a lot happier with a well planned tank. ^_^


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