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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. Where is everyone? I'm in Georgetown, but not near any creeks, thankfully. The San Gabriel River is way out of control. It winds through the back end of my subdivision, and as soon as it stops raining I'm going to walk down and check it out. I think the homes that overlook it are built high enough so that they won't flood.
  2. I stupidly trained my cleaner shrimp to take food from my fingers. It's fun, but now every time I put my hand in the tank he comes running. About 15 minutes ago I was doing some minor rearranging and something stung my arm. I have an anemone, but I wasn't near it. The only thing near my arm was the cleaner shrimp. it still stings like crazy (I've been running cold water on it). There's a quarter sized red spot with a bunch of tiny bumps on it.
  3. I think you're right on that. When I turn off the white lights and just burn the actinics, it's very green. Is there anyway to "green it up" a bit?
  4. Got my lights in the other day (PC, dual 65W, dual actinics) and bought my first corl - a 6" piece of rock covered in green star polyps. They didn't look bright green at the store, but they were green. But when I put them in my tank, they look brown. My tank is 24" tall, and the lights are about 3" above the tank. I put the GSP on the bottom of the tank., so they're about 2' from the lights. I leave the lights on about 10 hours per day. Should I move them closer to the lights?
  5. Any news on the elegance? My lights are here, and I'm ready to start shopping!
  6. Last week I did a water change with RO water that I had mixed in a trashcan with salt & a buffer. I had about 1 gallon left over.I had a powerhead in there for a day or so, but then realized it's too small and doesn't really do any good. It's been in my house in my laundry room for the last week, covered with a towel draped over the top of the trashcan. It averages 75-78 inside my home. Can I still use it, or does it "go bad" after awhile with no powerhead for movement?
  7. Great! I'm in Georgetown, email me for directions @ [email protected]. He seems very partial to spirulina cubes. I defrost them and cut them in half and drop them in every other day. He'll eat both pieces in no time.
  8. No problem, I understand totally. I'm sure the store will take him back.
  9. OK, no problem. For the time being, the tang's fine. But the horseshoe will have to go back to the store soon because I'm afraid he's going to hurt my shrimp.
  10. Yep, she's in there, too. She came to us from a friend who's tank was cracked late in the evening and she had nowhere else to put her (or him?). I'm looking to rehome her, too, in case you're interested.
  11. I don't know what it is. It looks like a piece of styrofoam, only I haven't had any styrofoam. And wouldn't that float?
  12. About a month ago I bought a horseshoe crab. The person where I bought it said it would be fine, however I've since found out that they grow really fast (it's now about 2" across), and it will probably end up killing my shrimp. Not to mention my 40 gal is too small. It keeps getting stuck between my rocks, and I really don't want to lose my shrimp. Would anyone be interested in taking him? I'm new to SW and on a tight budget, so I'll trade him for just about anything that will work in my tank - a small fish, a couple of snails, a couple of chunks of rock, maybe a tiny frag of something that's cheap......
  13. Or at least that's what I think it is. I was feeding my tank and I noticed something white in a cave-like area. It's about 1/16", perfectly white, and perfectly round. It's so white it just stands out against the sand. I have the usual snails & hermits, a horseshoe crab, a scooter blenny, a 6 line wrasse, a clown, and a yellow tang (a rescue fish kind of). I don't feed them anything that looks like this egg-thing. the wrasse was looking kinda fat lately. Do they lay eggs?
  14. Sounds good, I can meet you there anytime. Email me at [email protected]
  15. I'd like to have some elegance, too. If you find out anything, please post it!
  16. I have a 40 gal tank, which means my water changes are about 10 gallons. I can only lift about a 3 gal jug, so I've been mixing up 3 gallons at a time in small buckets and letting them sit overnight. Their taking up too much room, and the salt isn't getting dissolved. I'd like to mix all 10 gal up at once, maybe in a trash can, but I don't know how to get the water from the trash can into the tank. How does everyone else do their water changes?
  17. Those are gorgeous, Joseph! I can't wait until I can get some - I'm working on getting some PC lights, I should have them in a couple of weeks.
  18. I don't see it. Unless you're talking about the ARO thing. I'm new to SW, and don't know what ARO means.
  19. I'm new to reefing and trying to set up a saltwater tank on a freshwater budget. I'm looking for some really inexpensive 30" or less MH lights so I can buy my first frags. I can also chip in a 20 gal tank with hood, light, filter, gravel some small plastic plants, a 15lb+ gorgeous holey rock and a large piece of wood if any of this would lower the price any. Thanks! Karen
  20. The Fu-Mancho is pretty neat looking. What does he eat? I don't really want a fish trying to eat my other fish. ) Plus I have live shrimp in there already. And will be getting corals as soon as I can upgrade my lighting.
  21. I have a 40gal tank that's been set up for about a month (cycled with Bio-Spira). I've got 40lbs of LR,most of my clean-up crew, a scooter blenny and a 6 line wrasse. I can't get my corals until I upgrade my lights. I'd like to add 2 more small fish. I'd like them to be very unusual looking and brightly colored (possibly red or blue). Since I already have the wrasse, I'd like to get something with a different shape, not the usual "tetra" shape. Any ideas? I've thought about trying for a mated pair of clowns, but was hoping I could find something less common.
  22. Great! thanks for your help. I'll start shopping around for an MH. What's your opinions on skimmers? I just have the small tank, and probably will not upgrade to a larger one. It's in my living room so I'd like to keep it somewhat presentable. I've done a tiny bit of research on sumps and think that might be a good way for me to hide all the equipment, but the prices are way out of my reach. I hace a spare 20gal tank, but have neither the time or the talent to DIY a sump. Do you ever see "used" sumps for sale here in the classifieds?
  23. I have a 40gal tall tank that's been set up for about a month. I'm ready to look into some lighting (I currently just have the generic light that came with the hood). The tank is 12" thick, 30" wide, and 24" tall. I'd like to have a good variety of color and texture. What type of light should I look for, and how much can I expect to spend? Thanks, Karen
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