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Posts posted by Bpb

  1. I've been changing my rox every two weeks and gfo monthly like clockwork. Even though I have a bit of stubborn nuisance algae I've kept this regiment for 9 months of use now and have pretty good, but pale, sps colors and super slow zoa and Lps growth.

    This past week I missed my carbon change. Started a new job. Put in 70 hours the first week. Just didn't have time. Colors are night and day better it seems. Maybe it's just because I've been too busy to have my hands in the tank. I'll definitely be backing off on my carbon changes though.

  2. Dustin your tank is real lean on invertebrates if I remember correctly. Have you considered one of the reef safe-ish triggerfish like maybe a blue throat trigger? The body shape and swimming habits are auper cool looking. Blue throats are pretty peaceful, and really will only go after shrimp crabs and snails. Triggers are just awesome lol. All I can do is suggest the fish I would want with a 6 foot tank

  3. Looks alot like the tricolor valida I got from Ty a while back as well. When I got mine it was only an encrusted type growth covering about half a frag plug. Now it's got about 15 individual branches and is about 3" tall and looking absolutely killer. Love it. Very fast grower

  4. Actually, I do. In my run ins with APD, it's always been pleasant and professional. Even if I didn't get out of a ticket.

    Thanks for the positive post Robb, especially since I just read the "doofus" cop post.

    Sorry chad, lol I meant no offense despite how it sounded. I've got several officers in my family and I have nothing but respect for what y'all do. Don't worry I've caught plenty of colorful words on here simply for being an aggie.

  5. With MGOPM you will likely not need to dose. What did you cap it with? Like others have said, if you can start pressurized co2 immediately and the rewards will be great as you already know. If you know of a good deal on a pressurized co2 setup please share as well. I'm looking for one for under $100 as well

  6. My snails do that constantly, and I have lots if baby snails all the time, though I think they most closely resemble nerite snails than any of the other species in the tank. My rock flower anemone also spawned in my tank as well. I think it was the catching and eating of a live fish that triggered it as well as it has only happened once and it happened the same day it ate the Dalmatian Molly

  7. Another funny thing too. These are the end colors from right to left old, new-good, new-bad. It's funny that with three of the same brand test you get three shades of blue as the end color. All three reagent Bs had a different look and texture as well. The old one being someone grainy like gunpowder, and the new ones both being powdery like confectioners sugar. Good thing were looking for a pink-blue flash transition , and not a varying shade of blue.


  8. Test results are in...

    Just for formality sake, taken from my 55 gallon mixed sps tank, lights still out.

    Salinity 1.026

    Temperature 79 degrees

    Alkalinity 7.5 dKH

    Magnesium 1450 ppm

    IORC salt

    1 gallon saturated kalkwasser administered daily

    Calcium tests

    Old kit (bought last November): 450 ppm

    New kit (with replacement reagent B): 450 ppm

    New kit (with recalled reagent B): 525 ppm

    Well...looks like my old kit is still working fine as the color flash happened right at 0.9 mL titrant used on both kits. The bad reagent B works exactly as advertised. According to Red Sea the reagent B should be trading 75 ppm higher than it should and according to my test this morning that is a spot on claim. Anyhow just thought I'd share

  9. Anyone else order a new reagent "b" for their Red Sea pro calcium testers? Mine came in today. Odd...it's the same lot number as the recalled ones, but a different expiration date. I still have the bad one as well.

    Gonna test my calcium with my old reagents, recalled one, and the new one and ill post results tomorrow. Tested a sample of someone else's tank water today with my old Red Sea pro calcium kit and an API tester and the results were about 200-250 ppm off. That's a pretty significant margin.

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