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Posts posted by kingjames

  1. I hear that, they never do,believe me I have a bubble tip that after being on the same rock for about a year, just moved right in the middle of my cabbage coral colony at the bottom of my rank and is pissing them off something awful and has been there for 5 weeks and won't move, they just have a mind of there own

  2. Nems will move where they are most comfortable, the more you try to get it to move the more you will stress it out, if your params are not stable he will keep moving, but if everything is on point then just give him time he will eventually find a spot even if its not where you want him, bubble tips love light so if he is not out in the open light in a week or two I would start to worry, the key is a mature system and stable parameter IME, just keep an eye on him, I have never had a anemone that didn't set his self in open light

  3. Thanks guys... I have been playing around with all kinds of ideas for all types of stuff, so far, and i have some pretty cool designs that im coming up with for frag racks, just need to work out a couple kinks.....My question is that all the pieces that i have cut are mock designs that are just held together with tape, and i have no expierence with bonding acrylic so that will be the next step of the process...ty cutting the pieces for an aclimation box is no prob and takes no time at all but like i said i still need to tinker around with actually bonding the acryilic....anybody have expierience doing this?

  4. So i Have CO2 laser at work that i figured doesnt get enough use at work so i started coming up with ideas...the pic is of a holding/acclimation chamber, I will be adhearing magnets on one side

    ....Next will be custom frag racks, sump baffels, sock holders, custom overflows, and what ever else i can come up with.



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  5. there is a yellow version, i have seen a couple in some of the others members tanks....I think rory(juiceman) had one.....i have the all green one similar to richards already

    If you google yellow toadstool you will see some similar to what im looking for

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