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Posts posted by sharkbait33

  1. How did the painting go? We are about to paint an accent wall where we currently have our 29 and was wondering if you had any problems or advice?

    I held off on the painting for awhile, my initial plan was just to wait until it got a little cooler. But I just bought a larger aquarium and it's in another room. So, I'm in the process of moving my fish to a diff room before i begin painting.

  2. Thanks guys! Ive been checking craigs religiously now :)

    and to the Marine...yes, like off FINDING NEMO :D Which is prob my FAVORITE movie! Have you seen it? I really like the fish in that movie, so I'm hoping to get maybe a royal gramma, a moorish idol, maybe a porcupine puffer, a couple Nemo's and of course a Dori ;) Maybe an eel or a shark's egg too. Havent quite decided on corals yet, because its either a porcupine puffer or corals :/ Very VERY hard decision for me...

    Thank you for offering to help w/the move. I'll most DEF take you up on that offer, I'll need a strong Marine to help me out :blush::lol:

  3. Do any of yall have a porcupine puffer in your tank? What other fishing are you housing w/them? I know the books say that they're not reef safe...but have any of yall had luck keeping them w/corals?

  4. I'm new to the hobby and am looking for a nice starter size aquarium. I already have a couple fish and corals in mind that I would like to eventually get, and I know the bigger the better (as far as maintaing a steady salinity). So if anyone has any aquariums for sell or knows of someone that has some for sell, let me know!

    Thank you,


  5. I was at the old Austin Aquariums today and they had a black tang that was about 6 inches or so, and a crosshatch trigger(?) that was maybe 8 inches. I remember the tang being quite pricey but can't remember the exact amount. On the other hand, the trigger (B-E-A-U-TIFUL fish!) was marked for 700 dollars!? I was just wondering how rare these fish are and where they originate from?

  6. I went to the old austin aquariums today and they had about 4 sixline wrasse or so. (Bout 20 bucks) Theyre bringing in a lot of wood, nails, etc to build new aquariums though...I left w/a flat from a nail <_< Watch where you park!

  7. I'd suggest any of these: Fancy Serpent Sea Star, Sand Sifting Sea Star, Sea Cucumber, Burgundy Sea Star or Blue Linckia Sea Star...do you have any of these already? Good luck getting rid of your detritus!

  8. It was a lil long (2hrs) but I loved it! I just went to see it yesterday and I heard it was a pretty good movie, Id see it again! I wasnt too thrilled about the last Spiderman movie either but I would DEF go give this one a chance. I like action movies though

  9. lol, they sound/look pretty cool but there was no way i was going to pay 6 bills for a phone thatll prob get scratched up in my purse. It also looked too difficult to text message on and thats a BIGGIE right now! ^_^

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