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Everything posted by Truck0000

  1. Is anyone going to bring some off there home made fish food. I would like to buy some if you did.
  2. I would like to be at the meeting and throw in some cash for the food. I think the nutrition in my tank could use a good up lift. Even if this doesnt happen next time you guys make a batch of food let me know so I can buy some off of you.
  3. Truck0000


    Well the idea was that I could replace my 2 SEIO,s with one Tunze. I plan on upgrading to a 125-150 gal. but not till late next year. It was more a feel good thing about my electric bill than actual savings. Just bought a new house out towards bastrop (cedar creek). On another note I am having toruble with my KH test kit cant really figure it out. Seems simple but cant ever get the color to turn. I need some new test kits anyways so what do you all recommend? My tempeture is swinging between 78.5 a night to 83 during the day. I dont run a heater. Is this to big of temp swing for softies?
  4. Truck0000


    I need help figuring out what tunze stream pump I need. I want to take out my 2 seios and add a tunze to my system to cut down in the electric bill some more. Im trying to make my system,s electric use small as possible. Which Tunze do you guys recommend for a 75 softie tank?
  5. I would love to find out about fragging and attend this workshop. Im just hoping all my corals survied my move on sunday. It wasnt very fish friendly do to so thing out of my control. Thanks, Rob
  6. Havent moved yet doing it all on mothers day. Thanks for the look out. What else can we use that wont cost use and arm and a leg?
  7. I need 3 bags. Anyone have any laying around they dont need? Ill be moving my tank on the 15th and would like to deepen my sandbed. thanks
  8. Truck0000

    75 gal

    this is my current tank with GHA and bubble algea
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