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Posts posted by lenver

  1. Well time passed by and now I'm giving a peak update, will do a longer video on Thursday

    Bicolor RabbitFish

    Desjardini Tang

    Leopard Wrasse

    Cleaner Wrasse

    Volitan Lionfish

    Radiata LionFish

    Zebra eel

  2. unfortunately, I had a breakout of ich and/or maybe something else, it killed almost all of my fish about 2 weeks ago, I'm only left with a leopard wrasse, two firefish and one green chromis.

    But I'm already putting it behind me, all of my coral is still looking great, so I'm actually thinking of changing my tank to a reef predator tank, thinking of a lionfish and getting a zebra eel again.

  3. He's leaving the Yellow alone, but he has the regal hiding, which I was expecting, but he looks good and is eating, he just hides when the clown comes around.

    But today I just couldn't say no to another one, which I reached my limit for tangs, so I'm introducing an adult Yellow Mimic Tang, and I'm hoping he'll make the clown get in line.

  4. Quick small update, placed some mesh covers on top of both tank openings, this was necessary due to my new purple tilefish, Niko's reef has one in their display tank and they were able to get me one, but he's a jumper, so this is to make sure I don't loose him.

    I will probably get a few more jumper fish that I was waiting on doing this before getting them





  5. No, never jumped out, I even have some red fire fish and they've never done it either, it helps that I have a lot of rock where they will go and hide and it's a deep tank, since we have the same dimensions I wouldn't worry

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

  6. You will love them, did you see my PAR reading that I took yesterday, very promising. Personally I'm thinking to get another one, but I will wait till they have the one's with the timer in stock, I will leave that one in the middle where I have a little bit of a dead spot because my light are raised only 7" from the water line, but that was my decision on how I wanted them to look.

    If you do not use your mounting kit let me know, I'll buy it from you, I kinda screwed up mine.

  7. My advice for the powder blue, get some mysis shrimp and garlic guard or some other garlic extract and start feeding him that, it's what makes them able to fight any ick or parasites which are usually what gets them, trust me I've learn this, actually I do this now at least twice a week, when you first get him I would do it every day.

    This has been my success to keeping tangs healthy.

  8. That's what I tough too, but now that I'm getting my lights and already placed a BRS dual reactor, I think that would be the next step, for controlling light, but also having a setting that I can select when I will be doing maintenance, feeding, water changes, and I don't have to remember to turn everything on.

    Again I tough it was an over-glorified power cord, but it does have more than that, but I think I will buy it later on.

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