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Posts posted by Grog

  1. Tonight I trimmed a bunch of caulerpa from my main tank and moved the cuttings to the newly upsized tank. I planted it and mixed another scotch and soda. Called my wife and said, "Hey honey, come look at the new tank."

    She comes in and the macro is in between two rocks, other side of the tank, far away from where I planted it.

    My large mithrax decided it was his caulerpa and pulled it into his cave. It had uprooted an 8" piece and pulled it across the tank. I figured it had drifted and pulled it but he was holding on TIGHTLY, pulling it back into his abode.

    Guess I need a different algae solution in that tank lol Took him less than 5 minutes to notice it. He is so aggressive. Funny in one aspect but annoying in another. He will even hassles the flame angel. Amusing to watch but strange for something the size of a silver dollar.

  2. WI have one that is six inches from spine to spine. I just moved it my fuge. I have been reading they can get a taste for acros. Not mention it hurts really really bad if they poke you. I had one that poked my knuckle and I had to have surgery on it. It went into my knuckle sheath and stayed there for six months till my finger stopped working.

    OUCH! They do seem to have a knack to know where I'm working in the tank, and immediately head that direction. Been stuck a few times but nothing that bad.

    They grow fast too!

  3. Local? Try the Asian market (My Tahnh?) on North Lamar just south of the Parmer intersection. I've been very impressed with their seafood selection and the prices are great. (large counter in the back of the store) Found some perfect pompano and redfish there before, very clear eyes and fresh... Many more unusual choices than the other local shops. Don't remember about wahoo but I love wahoo and ling. I need an offshore trip to fill the freezer

    If you want it direct to your door, I can't help. That would be good info though. I'm in the boonies and delivery would be nice.

  4. So to all the sponsors who I can only assume read every post on the forum and take their advice

    I will add that this was not at one of our sponsor's shops. wink.png

    I would say valid concern- as a rule of thumb, I never ever ever buy ANYTHING that is in a tank with something invasive, or infectious, even if what I want shows no signs of it.

    There is a way to combat this though: if there is a piece or fish you like, always quarantine. and hasn't gone into the tank yet.

    Maybe this is a good reason/opportunity for me to set up the 10g quarantine tank? whistle.gif Need to figure out how to break the news to the Mrs. haha

  5. I'm down to one urchin, one turbo snail, and one large red mithrax crab in the 10g tank with the mantis. All the other neighbors have become food for Bubba. I still find it strange that he hasn't eaten the mithrax yet. But the mithrax is a cleaning beast. Always picking at this and that and has doubled in size since I got him.

    The larger snails seem to do a good job in my 33 tank but they are big and knock unattached frags around, kind of annoying. I've had some hermit loss but still have quite a number remaining but I've seen other folks loose 'em left and right. Richard, from TBS, included a bunch of different sized shells in with the shipment of crabs. He indicated that would give them new homes and reduce their in-fighting when they are looking to upgrade shells. Not sure if that is true but it was an interesting concept so I dumped the empties behind my rock work, next to the back wall. Figured it wouldn't hurt back there....

    Brittle stars are cool. No idea where my cukes are. They disappear for months at a time the appear again randomly for a day or so, then are hiding again.

  6. I'm not going to mention any names or locations, just pose a question, as I'm not trying to call anyone out.

    However, I was in a LFS today looking at some corals and was a bit shocked to see so much green bubble algae in their tanks. Not like one or two but a lot. I counted 40 or so in one frag tank and saw more in other tanks; display and sale tanks both.

    They had two nice pieces I was interested in. I didn't buy either, they looked OK, and I didn't notice any of the bubbles on them. Am I being overly cautious, or is this a valid concern?

  7. i think that might be the same tank grog has, u may want to ask him, his tanks sweet!

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I have an Aquaclear 110, and a 20 on the back of the tank. I run two Hydor Korlia Nano 240s for extra flow from the sides, one on each end. The Aquaclear 20 is 0 flow in my book. And I know most will say that filters aren't added to flow calcs, but the 110 is substantial flow in this size tank! It bellows the back to front. Condy loves sitting in front of its overflow and catches pods that slip out.

    The two HK nano 240 on the ends provide the flow from the other directions.

    I'd rather have a few smaller pumps than one large pump. One, failure mode, not all eggs in one basket. Two, more directions and places for flow to go. Not blasting one spot with super constant flow.

    I'm generally happy with the flow in the tank. Still working on the aquascaping though. But I don't know if that is ever complete :P

    • Like 1
  8. I won't make a specific recommendation as I'm skimmerless as well. I've done fine without but, others have different goals, systems, and maintenance methods so "each to his own".

    However, I will make a general statement about aquarium equipment. Please look at the dimensions of any equipment you purchase. My number one reason for returning stuff has been geometrical. Something may be the top rated, best priced, wonder doo-hickey, but if it doesn't fit in your space, tank, stand, then it ain't right for you! tongue.png

    Measure stuff. It will save you time and $ and gas and frustration. This applies outside of the marine hobby as well.

    Tape measure is your friend.

    • Like 1
  9. I have a 10g and 33g and both have live rock and HOB AquaClear filters. I have them connected to surface skimmer like the link at the bottom, with a slight modification, both for keeping the scum off the top and a bit of aeration. Seems to be working fine for me, livestock is happy and numbers are fine. So, I'd say HOB filters have their place.

    I'm setting up another 10g once my gear comes in via UPS and it will have an Aquaclear HOB as well.

    http://www.amazon.co...surface skimmer

  10. Reef tanks are like gardens, you got to keep them weeded and trimed. If you use a laissez faire appraoch then then your animal selction should be done accordingly. Like I said BTAs have caused me a lot more grief and expense than Xenia, GSP, TTP or Yellow Stone/Rock polyps combined. It takes weeks for polyps to creep up on something. It takes a BTA a few hours to crawl across your tank and kill your prized frag you just spent $100 on.

    My zoas and palys don't seem to care about the BTA. I never get stung, noticeably, by anemones but I will say that BTA are what I'd call weedy. Mine keep splitting and moving and splitting, My one has become 5! I'm half tempted to put them in a separate tank, or fill a bucket with water and set up shop next to one of the beef jerky salesmen on the side of 71. Anemones, stop for free sample! hahaha

  11. For viewing, the light on the right makes the fish look incredible. The coral beauty and the flame angle are electrified, glowing. Very nice.

    What model is the light on the right?

  12. What an impressive variety of zoas and palys! Thanks for the Pretty Pennies and the (don't remember name) People Eaters. Just one of the Pennies has opened but the Eaters were open in the bag and have been 100% open since they've been in my tank. Some seriously pretty tanks!

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