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  • Location
    Round Rock
  • Tank Size
    75 gallons

edards1619's Achievements


Guppy (1/6)



  1. To update, we have 2 clown fish, 2 yellow tank, 2 skunk cleaners, 2 fire shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, kryponite candy cane corral, green star polyp, some kind of zoanthid, a kenya tree, and a pulsing xenia. All seem to be happy and healthy.
  2. Can someone take a look at this picture and tell me if I have another infestation. I got rid of the rock with all the aptatia and I would rather head off an infestation if I can.
  3. So I am new to the hobby and I know there is much to learn. I learned something last night and I thought I would share. When asking for directions never tell said person you are going to south Austin to buy rock. I said it and knew it sounded bad. I couldn't stop laughing about it. I get a small chuckle when I think back to it.
  4. Yeah looks like it is doing fine. There are now 2 pieces. Now I just need to finish installing the sump and we can let it sit.
  5. I blame Lynn she distracted me. I hit it on the right side so I think it will be ok. I will check it in the morning.
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