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Posts posted by ut6

  1. After seeing the coolest fish thread I thought it would be cool to start the coral version. Lets see some pictures of your favorite/coolest coral you have ever had. I would like to see some sps and lps both! Crazy colors, body or behavior whatever you have.

  2. That makes a lot of sense jason, I have never thought about it on a tank to tank basis. I was talking about for maximum growth for corals and like I said I had heard people come from both sides. Thats why I asked. Thanks for the explanation!

  3. What does everyone keep there alk at? I have heard different things from all different people. Some say to keep them high at all times around 10-12 and others have told me to keep them around 8-10. Any advise from the experts..?

  4. Another plus for sponges, is that for certain fish, sponge is a major food. My sponges never looked that pretty. Cryptic Zone filtration relies heavily on sponges and tunicates. Google Steve Tyree or Cryptic Zone Filtration.

    What fish actually eat sponge? Just curious. I have a lot of it in my tank except mine is pink, I could prob make some little fish a happy camper!

  5. Hey medi tried pm but wouldnt work but I would like to come by and look at them tomorrow sometime if we can work out a time. Ill be in georgetown tomorrow early morning and again later in the day. Most interested in the sour apple but would like to see the others. pm please!



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