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Posts posted by scubasteve92

  1. Moved one of the frags up and they seem much happier, the other not so much... I think it is more than lighting. My monti are all doing very well under the T5HOs. I may do a dip for the zoa frag. Any suggestions? I have heard of doing a peroxide dip or an iodine dip. Also how long and how much water vs. other stuff.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. I like those. Did you go with the pro strip or just the normal 4 led strip? I was thinking about getting two of the 4 led strips one 12k and one actinic. Any suggestions? I dont have much room since I bought a huge light fixture that cant hold but two bulbs doh.gif but i was thinking of attaching them inside the fixture i have?

    Do you think they'd be ok here? And is that enough to make a difference, I dont know much about leds and how much is need



    If you can see the boxes and arrows... I just mean inside the fixture

  3. I have mine under a zoomed fixture. It works great for my other corals, but my zoas kinda look crappy, well at least to me. What do you recommend for led strips? I would like to grow the coral i have now and keep the few fish i have and move it down to austin but next december i plan on upgrading the tank completely. I will keep the fish and coral and as much LR as possible. I want to get a tank with the same basic setup as the biocude.

  4. So my recently added zoa frags are having issues, one has had two die and it has one that is always open with its outside turning gray and the middle has lost alot of color. The other frag has some that wont open and has some that the outside is looking horrible.

    See circle


    See arrows


  5. yeah man, Im going to get pics up of the tank and all the happy coral :) They are spiny but white and are attached to the LR, they dont look like they are bothering anything or could bother anything because they cant get close enough to touch anything else. But i will watch them, just was curious what they were.

  6. yes, parameters are good. I can get pics of the worm thing later today.. im at work. all the coral have been in there for about 4 days. So not long, think they are still just getting used to the tank and the trip from atx to east texas?

  7. I am having alot of pods that come out at night mostly and climb all over my coral, which was just added last thursday. Some are small that i think are just copepods, but there are much bigger ones too. They are going under my zoa frags. I dont really know if they are harming them, just worried. Should i be? Also I have these long worm looking things that are attached to my LR, I thought they were that stuff snails leave behind sometimes but they react to light and seem to be living. Along with that one of my zoa frags (different one than the one that has pods on/under it) has some polyps that dont come out when the light is on, at all.. Any thoughts?

  8. I just added my first coral to my tank, around 13 frags. Before I went to get them (live in east texas, went to austin to get good coral) my water parameters were perfect. My calcium levels were slightly lower than I wanted but still pretty high.

    They have been in my tank for about 24 hours now, everything is looking very happy and polyp extension on everything is great. But i just tested my water and it is like everything went down hill. This is my before and after


    Salinity: 1.021

    Temp: 78

    pH: 8.0-8.2

    ammonia: undetectable

    nitrite: undetectable

    nitrate: 5ppm

    phosphate: undetectable

    calcium: 400-420

    alkalinity: 11dkh


    Salinity: 1.024

    Temp: 78

    pH: 8.0-8.2

    ammonia: 0.25-0.5

    nitrite: undetectable

    nitrate: 15ppm

    phosphate: undetectable

    calcium: 340-360

    alkalinity: 2dkh (this is bad, right?? how do i fix it??)

    I added a pura filtration pad to my filter about 14 hours ago. Could that affect it? Should I do a water change or would that shock it even more?? I have been adding Kent: Essential Elements to my tank. Should I add more of that? Would it help?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. ok, then ill leave them unless they start to hurt anything. Thats awesome!! How long ago were yall up here? I may just have to get the fish and see if i can get it to eat frozen foods, just cuz they are so cool! lol

  10. So, I have these little bugs that come out at night all over my LR, and was wondering if they are bad? Most are pretty small but some are getting pretty big.. I have been told that a mandarin goby would be good to help control these little bug things, will that work? And by having so many little bugs to eat will that help the process of getting them to eat frozen food?

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