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Mike Mays

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Posts posted by Mike Mays

  1. What did y'all brace?

    We mounted the halide in the front center of the canopy and didn't want to burn the center plastic support on the top of the tank. I called Oceanic and explained what we wanted to do. He initially said that the support was there to support the center of the bowing front glass. I explained that there was absolutely no tension on the center support and that it looked like it was there to support glass lids. He agreed that might be the case, but recommended we do something to replace that bracing. Here's what Mike came up with:



  2. Day 3 - Lights. Ran into a bump. The pump's outflow had been "retooled" for some unknown reason and the hose blew off.

    ***Note to Self*** a Mag 18 w/o an out hose connected is a geyser!!!

    New pump face cover on order. For now have power heads circulating the tank.


    Thanks to all for your comments!

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