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Posts posted by fishface

  1. I am REALLY confused now. Good? Bad? We're pretty naive about the things that grow in our tank, and if it's bad we want to get rid of it. The guy who told us it was bad worked at a CHAIN petstore where they sell saltwater fish. What do I do with red microalgae? We don't know if it's good or bad. I know, I know. "DUH."

  2. This started growing in our saltwater tank several months ago and, being semi-new to this hobby, we thought it was just a cool-lookiing plant. Just to be sure, though, we took it to a place that sells salt-water fish and they said it was some kind of algae and that if we don't get rid of it soon it will kill everything on the live rock. Any input from my fellow reef lovers?


  3. We are trying to find a good home in an aquarium with a heater for two lyretail mollies, one silver and one gold. They are being rude to our pregnant mollie and they're gotta go. Please call 512 989-0120. You catch em' they're yours!

  4. Maybe this shouldn't be in the Emergency section, but since I'm leaving on vacation in a few days, it's an emergency to me.

    I'm going to be out of town for one week. I have a 24-gallon nano-cube with a condylactis (sp?), large coral banded shrimp, 2 damsels, 1 lawnmower blennie and a couple of crabs. I also have a 55-gallon fresh water with about 20-25 guppies, etc.

    I'm leaving someone in charge of my home, but I'm not sure I trust her to feed the fish and turn the lights on and off. We have the 55-gallon on a timer, but because of the way the cube is set up I don't see a way to hook up a timer. I can't afford to pay a specialist to come tend to the fish, but does anyone have any advice? Do the slowly disolving fish feeders really work?

    I live near the PetCo in Pflugerville. Does anyone know anyone around here who won't charge an arm and a leg to drop in once or twice and check in on my aquatic pals? I would LOVE any advice my fellow fish folks have. Thanks!

  5. Since you have a nanocube, you could set up a refugium really easy by cutting off the back vinyl (if you haven't already) and putting a cheap $10 clip on bulb (Home Depot) to light it at night on an opposite schedule of your main lights. This will allow your system to grow macroalgae in an area where you don't want to see it and decrease your nitrates and phoshates at the same time. Plus, you get a nice pod farm as well.

    The black vinyl? The back of the nano holds the three filters and I don't understand what you mean by cutting it off. Here is one photo of some of the algae. I hope this helps. BTW, I really appreciate all of the help you reef lovers have given me.

    This is one view of one LR from the front. The green hairy stuff is like this over most of the live rock. It's so thick here it's even floating around in the water.

    We've been doing water changes about every two weeks and are doing another one tonight, changing a recommended 1/3 of the water.



  6. Yuck! I just took the time to really examine my tank and there seems to be a TON of hair-like green algae on the living rock. How much is too much?

    Everything seems fine. I ad the water tested a few days ago before I noticed this. Please: How much green algae is too much? You can't even see the live rock anymore and I'm concerned that the algae might be smothering what else might be growing on the rock.

    Thanks for any opinions and/or advice.

  7. Is this for fresh and/or salt? I have lots of chemicals for salt-water that was included with some aquariums I purchased. I also have lots of decor. Is there anything specific you're looking for? I don't have many things in my established tank yet so I can't really swap livestock. I've got some 5 and 10 gallon aquariums if you have a use for them.

  8. Thanks SO much for all of your help. I believe the red gunk was there when I purchased the live rock. We simply got a pair of tweezers and really gently pulled it off. Everything looks good now. We will keep checking all levels, but for now everything is hunky-dory.

    Thanks again for all of your advice!

  9. We've got three questions this morning.

    (1) We just discovered that what we thought was good red algae is actually killing off the lovely anemones that were growing on our live rock. We're looking for a quick cure that won't disturb our fish. Is there anything wrong with just scraping off the bad stuff? It's primarily on two of our live rocks and one of them has bubbles all over it. These are the live rock that are closest to the light but the light is the proper type so we know they need to be moved down. We'd prefer not to mess with chemicals.

    (2) We have live sand in our aquarium and want to do a water change to get rid of some of the uneaten food our shrimp has left and other grossities, but we have live sand. How can we effectively clean the bottom of the tank without causing a major "dust storm" in it?

    (3) Is it normal for a very large coral banded shrimp to stay on only one rock in the aquarium and NEVER move? By the way, he molted again last night so we have what looks to be a full ecto skeleton if anyone wants it.

    Thanks for any help!

  10. pms returned. Someone is coming for the 30gal. I live in NW austin at 8401 Fathom circle. I just returned a pm for the 10gal. The five gallon has a lid with small t6/t8 light. Not the best for saltwater but perfect for a small freshwater tank. No one has shown interest in the five yet. Please pm me and I will let you know what's still here.

    If you still have the 5 gallon my betta would LOVE it!

  11. OK. This guy is absolutely FREE! I'd love to see him go to a home larger than the 24 g nano cube he's in. Please call (512) 989-0120 if you'd like to adopt him. Thanks!

  12. post-1446-0-70602800-1307462365_thumb.jp

    9lb live rock = $18.00


    10lb live rock rubble = $20.00


    rock and rubble in 10g tank

    I have had the rubble for 3 years in an established aquarium and the rock for about a year that came from and established aquarium.



    Ooooh. I'd love to get some of the live rock and "rubble". (Is that a technical term? :-) Where are you located? Please call me at (512) 989-0120

  13. I would like to trade my 2" very healthy and active Hermit Crab for a few small pieces of live rock (with life) or a couple of small fish. Please let me know if you're interested. I'm having no luck uploading a photo but will forward if you send your email. Thanks!

  14. Thanks again everyone. Turns out I was royally ripped off by the guy who sold this stuff to me. EVERYTHING was dead, including the "live rock" he sold me, other than the one crab you see in the photo. Oh well, my bad. I still need some live rock if someone can point me to a reasonable place to get some. Thanks for all your help. I am happy to report that the one crab who made it through is doing nicely, as far as I can tell, and it's all because of the help I gor from you, so thanks from me and our one living guy.

  15. You guys are great! I got one of the critters in my tank adding a little of my water at a time, then using a net to scoop it into my 24 nano cube. Whatever it is, the other one looks just like it but I can't get at it right now. I missed my best opportunity to clean the shell. I wish I would've known that, but I will do it with the next one.

    The water is dirty because (1) the guy broke down his take the night before last; and (2) put the poor critters and rock in large, lidded plastic containers in his garage, a very unfortunate turn for the two damsels that he thought would make it. (?) When I was trying to feel around with the net for the crab critters, I kept pulling up wormy things with lots of legs. I don't doubt that some of this stuff is valuable life to someone...just not me. I was just looking for a little live rock. If anyone out there needs some dirty water with lots of life in it, just let me know. I'll try to attach a photo of the snails/crabs.

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