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Posts posted by Joseph9123

  1. All I was saying is that if that, if all the parameter are good and water change might stress things up a bit or already done recently, why not try something that the coral use by add some element to see what effect it might do to improve.It is a favite, it does "eat" , and I also said " small amoun't " not a a cap full. Iodine is a bases of healing for the corals a little extra will never hurt. Plus there is a skimmer on the unit to take out what the coral don't use. My bad that I didn't talk about bleaching, I know the difference. If you have a large set up like that , small amounts and not testing would do hardly a dent in anything but just supply a little extra for coral that need it right? Just putting my 2 cents. For my set up I dose one capful of iodine everyday trace cap full every 4 days for 3 yrs no testing. No ill effect on my 135 gallon.


  2. Well mine never faded or brown out but I suppliment alot to prevent browning. Coral I got that browned out in people's tank colored quick in my tank. Bonsai Valida that browned out under 400 MH started to get half it's body with the right color polys and body in one week. It is large acro so I think it will take a month or so to completely flip. I went from VHO to 250 metal halide ,and up the suppliment and everything looks great. I only recommend to feed the coral mysis shrimp to make sure it's healthy and up add some trace and iodine to your regements in small amounts every third day.


  3. It's funny how everyone says they got something but no price...lol.

    So what is the price or really no tanks?? jk, lol Just curious and kinda thinking it's not real bc of the lack of pics or price. Wifey looking for a tank so I'm jumping on to see whats up.

    -Joseph Le

  4. The tank looks much better! My only recommendation would be to remove the photo background and use solid blue or black. I think it makes the real corals pop more.

    I know this is a dumb question but are those blue and black background painted or they a reflective backgrounds? Like the sheets they sell at the local fish stores? I seen both but I can't get behind my tank to paint it. What do ya recommend?


  5. Nice to meet ya Stacy, I'm in the cedar park area too, well more like next to lakeline mall lol. Yeah , both clubs rock and you find some really nice corals for the money. There is another maast meeting in San Antonio this month and in May will be at greenmako's casa in round rock. So keep on " reefing" <-- I'm a dork, sorry, didn't get alot of sleep lately, lol. I have some corals for sale if your every interested since we live pretty close to each other.

    -Joseph Le

  6. I cleaned out KyleV corals he was getting rid of to go fish mainly. I looked at my receipt and since I been on ARC and MAAST in the past I guess 3 months. My tank changed alot . I post pics a while back but compare to now, ya will see what I worked hard for and speant tons of moola. From running VHO's and PC only 4 months ago to now, with Two 250 watt MH and 6 ft VHO Super actinics. Now having a sump and all the good for the wave effect in the tank and upgrade on all power heads. I would never imagine I go this fast in such a short amount of time. Enjoy my work, it cost me an arm, leg and some hair lost. It all comes down to the love and dedication that bite me again after seeing soo many great tanks and being inspired for the future. When we move from our house in 2009, I will have a 300 gallon plus tank as a room divider with all the goods. The race is on to have the ultimate tank! Ohh and I'm going to buy a huge chiller now for the future. Hate heat issue, don't want fans everywhere anymore.







    Ohh and In those pics there is no VHO Super Actinics, waiting for Icecap to send back the repaired icecap 660 ballast. Just running my Mh bulbs. Was thinking of putting my Pc back on for the time being but got lazy!

    -Joseph Le

  7. I got alot of stuff from Kyle and Horizon pets and I need to make room for the corals in my tank. You'll gonna see powder pink palys, red people eater, tricolor turiki acro frag,subulata frag, purple tip tri color tenis acro, and wild and Aqua cultured hyranophia for sale. I'm in North austin texas. Cash only please. Pm with number and I will call as soon as I can.

    -Joseph Le



    I have alot . Powder pink palys 3 polys for 10.00 - non will be mounted


    Red People eater 1 for 8.00, 2 for 15.00, 3 for 20.00. In the pink there is also chocolate palys I only have a few so 1 polpys for 5.00



    First one is wild hyranophia and the second is Aqua cultured. 1.5 inch break off are 15.00 each


    I got this from John about 3 month ago and it grew to three 2 inch pieces branching , the frag is 30.00 Subulata acropora.


    Tri color - samentosa , awesome coral, I will be braing off the back pieces and the bottom. It will have two 1 inch mounted per rock. 5 would be available for 25.00 each.


    Tri color turaki acropora. You can see the liece at the bottom that I'm going to cut and mount. It's about 2 inchs and branching. The coral is purpleish green with green polps and the tips are blue with one red poly. IT's nice!!! The one frag will be 25.00


    tri -color tenius , the right piece at the bottom, it's large frag . That piece will be 30.00 and mounted.

    Let me know everyone, who wants some and when they want to get it. Everything is priced good. :)

  8. Well as you been looking up on it. They eat the same stuff as mandarin but also go after the larger copepods that the mandarin don't like. They are nocturnal, and will feed at the dusk hours of the day or very early morning. It just happen that mine freaked out and hid himself for the first day. Since I work from home as a Loan officer at a mortgage bank, I have extra free time to look at the tank. RIght when I saw him, I had some Pe mysis and live brine availible. SO I shot alot into the tank so he first was hesitated but after seeing the live brine ,he attacked everything. Now I feed him at 3 pm to insure he's out till 11 pm or 12 pm, then I shut the light for night time. You just have to wait for him to be out at business hour and shoot food so he will learn to eat at your own time.


  9. I have two different leopard wrasse, one in the main tank and one in my fiance's tank. The blue spotted leopard loves PE mysis and the same one that you got love the smaller mysis and live brine. I have to get her used to me feeding thru the baster till I convert her to full mysis. The eat copepods like mandarins so I hope you have alot of them to keep them happy.


  10. Got 20 lb of live rock from Horizon and another 20 lb from my friends house. Half went into my 135 gallon the rest to my fiance's 55 gallon tank. Here are the updated pics that took me 2 hours, two large crate for the corals to sit in till the aquascape was finished.


    With flash


    Full shot


    Right side.




    Right shot


    Straight thru shot.

    Here are the new pics of the 55 gallon witha woman's touch. She raided my tank but it's " All good"..lol She's happy then she can't get on my case for buying more corals.


    New and improved 55 gallon


    Right shot


    Left shot

    Let me know what ya think about everything.

    -Joseph Le

  11. I stop by Horizon alot and gave them some suggestions and now they are getting tons of corals and fish. They are getting two large shipment tomorrow . Thanks Yun, I also got a tradition leopard in the 55 gallon that my fiance baught. He seems to hide when I'm thinking of taking a pic..lol Today I bought 19 lb of live rock and got 20 lbs from friends house to stop up my 135 and my faince new 55 gallon. Will post pics in a bit. Enjoy, bc I spent two hour today redoing my rock landscape. Had all the stonies in two crates so I can move everything around. Getting my SEio 2600 and Two hydor koralise 4 tomorrow!! Killer wave action!! fish better bring there swimming fins..hahaha.


  12. hyranaphia.jpg

    From KyleV


    Maast winnings.


    nuclear green with brownish red polys confusa From GMFETT


    Goganian from Headless. Wrasse trying to show off again..lol


    New Yuma... they are freaking awesom. Orange, blue and red center, purple shades, and red hues. Pick doesn't do this coral any justice also.


    10 head Kryptonie trumpets.

    Last note. Horizon has 8 large colonies and 25 med and small acro colonies up there from the new shipment. TONS of fish!! Stop by and check it out!! If some of the Large colonies are still there, I gonna get one more!

    -Joseph Le

  13. I bought alot of stuff from Horizon today. They had 29 Boxes of corals and fish.!!! When I was there it was sooooooo many corals, and large ACRO colonys!!! Ya have to see for yourself !! Steve said tomorrow there is another shipment of corals!!! Here are all the goodies I got today!


    My new acro colonies and I still have three acro softball size being baby sat at friends house.


    Close up of the three large colonies I bought from Horizon today.


    1st goody from Horizon Don't know what is the same but it's a tri-color size of Softball.


    2nd. It's a purple acor with neon blue polys. noticable larger than soft ball.


    3rd, This I do know. It's a Tricolor Samotosa Acropora. HUGE, largest colony, way bigger than a softball.


    4th Ornate Leopard wrasse for the 135 gallon. I feed it PE mysis and it ate it!! crazy, it literall beat it up to small pieces and ate it.


    5th, Awesome yellow/blue spoted jaw fish!! This guy is a piggy, I feed it PE mysis and it ate like 12 of them.. What an oinker!! I also got another leapard but the smaeone at that other person with the 29 gallon biocube, but it's hiding . I gave the 55 gallon to my fiance so now she got leapard and jawfish and raided my 135 gallon for corals.


    Now all the stuff above from Horizon I got today. The rest is from the frag swap. Awesome Blastos. (from Chui)


    Huge live rock with red palys and gsp. Home of the jawfish.


    Two Seaworld frags AKA Selago Acropora. and the one on the far right is from the raffle tickets. I have no clue what it is. Its' pink with pinkish red polys.

    More on second post.

  14. Well here is the thing, you would need to have a rock scupture that is about mid way up in your tank or higher to have Acros and good current. Now I have grew my acros in vhos before going to metal halide and they were just fine. but my rock set up was 9 inches from the light. As long as you redid your rocks , it would be just fine. Let me know. I have some other that will grow just fine in your light set up.


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