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Eel Keeper

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Posts posted by Eel Keeper

  1. Does it move around at all? What's your flow like? Our likes a good amount of flow, so maybe adjusting that might help. Oh, and how often are you feeding it?

    It has moved no more than 2 inches. It is about a foot down, and 3 inches to the left of the powerhead, so plenty of flow. Lighting is good. I'm feeding it every 2 or 3 days.

    I'd recommend coming down on your feedings, maybe to once a week. I've read that they will accept the food, but can't process it quickly enough and they can become ill. Light and flow seems to be good, so maybe just give it more time.

    Ok thank you guys!

  2. Does it move around at all? What's your flow like? Our likes a good amount of flow, so maybe adjusting that might help. Oh, and how often are you feeding it?

    It has moved no more than 2 inches. It is about a foot down, and 3 inches to the left of the powerhead, so plenty of flow. Lighting is good. I'm feeding it every 2 or 3 days.

  3. I had a rose bubble anemone in a 29 that didn't have enough light, so it shrank down to opening to about the size of a quarter. I moved it to my 90 that had t5s and MHs. It has been the same size for over 2 months. It doesn't seem to be getting smaller or bigger. I have been feeing it frozen misys. Has anyone had this same thing? What should I do? I'd love to have this get big again.

  4. If you have the room get enough buckets, leave just enough water in the tank to cover the sand bed., ad transport it yourself. As long as you have 24 hours your going to be ok. It may be 24 hours after you set it up that your corals will come out the same, but totaly worth it. I have done it 5 times myself. I would recomend a 20% water change after you get it set up again as disturbing the sand bed will cause your nitrates, and phosphates to jump.

  5. My Eels are snowflake eels. They are 2' and 2'4". I mainly feed them squid, krill, and gulf shrimp peeled, and split. It is not Uncommon for an eel to go without eating for a month. If he has been moved around alot then he is a little stressed. Usualy if they ate right before the move they wlll throw it up durring the move. Just mark a date on the calander when you got him, and you will keep having to dangle food down in front of him. Trust me. When he's ready, he will eat. Also if your phosphates are up or your water quality is bad they are more likely to fast. If you have any more questons ever just pm me, and if you need it I'll give you my number.

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  6. thanks for the generous amout of gsp i will let you know how it does glued to my side glass under direct flow from hob filter and hob fuge

    I saw how it was when I was picking up some kenya tree, and it was doing awesome!

  7. Sorry cant help ya, try making a good hiding spot for the eel like a PVC tube that the fish can't get in if you don't catch the fish

    Thanks Ckyuv! That's a great idea. I'll try that for the time being.

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