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Posts posted by Elizzy

  1. Resisting the urge to whip out my goliath frog spawn (which my clowns are hosting, neener).

    Can Euphyllia the love? -- :)

    Strawberry shortcake and forest fire have me drooling. @Juiceman, that last picture, what's in the background? Looks like a fake Christmas tree, love it!

    You know, awhile back I saw someone with a pink acan on here...somebody was sorry he fragged it, but...I have been looking for that for sale ever since...never have seen it... And finding pink yuma, next near to impossible.

    Also, Sherita, just noticed you have 7 tanks in your sig.... Kinda feeling small now ;)

  2. Will post the frogspawn after the fragging is done either this weekend or next. Of the two frags I kept from my first fragging venture a few months ago, one multiplied into 4 heads and is now about the size of a softball, the other has 5 or 6 heads and is about the size of cantaloupe. A big cantaloupe. A big cantaloupe sucking up all the light...

    I need more coffee.

  3. Interested? I'll give you a good deal...

    I have more pictures.


    Beautiful lighted curio cabinet. Hinged front door with magnetic closure. Three adjustable glass shelves that match up to the curved glass sides. Mirrored back inside surface. Nice condition, no broken glass.

    Unit stands 58" high. It is 32" wide at the back and is 12" deep overall.

    $130 Cash.

  4. As a kid, I tried to hatch those in a little incubator I bought from the back of a Popular Mechanics magazine...they never hatched. That's so awesome, thanks for posting the pics :) Didn't realize they'd be different colors.

  5. Hi! I'm looking to make some room in my tank so I'm offering a huge plate rock covered in gsp. I've had this for about 4 years. It measures about 11" across. Also next to it is a boulder that measure 7" by 5". I want to sell one or the other. Since I'm not sure of the value, please make an offer. Note that there is a piece xenia on the plate rock that is being eaten by the bristle worms living in that rock. If you have a xenia problem, then this is the rock for you.


    Next I have a little piece of devil's hand. You can have this one on the white rock, or a larger one that I will mount to a rock or disc - you tell me what you want. $25


    Lastly is this metallic green toadstool (one head, in the lower part of the photo, upper head belongs to that mean clownfish which will kill me if I try to take it)- I paid $35 for my original piece, so that's what I'll charge for this one. It's about a year old.


    Thanks for looking smile.png

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