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Everything posted by Bean_Burrito

  1. As promised, here are a few pics of the freshwater rainbow tank. enjoy ~JAKE
  2. Sorry for such a newbie question, but I'm setting up my first salt water tank. Its a 20gallon long that is about 12in deep. How much light should I shoot for to grow a few small mushrooms and other low light corals? I currently have a 40w cfl with a single t8, what kind of bulb would give me the best results for this fixture? or is this a lost cause?
  3. Hey all, i'm starting my first salt water tank and am looking for some live rock as well as some dry rock. Does anyone have any they are looking to get rid of for a good price? Thanks! -jake
  4. Hey all, new to the forum and new to salt water. I currently have a fresh water 55 gal with rainbows, an angel, and a few guppies. Before the rainbows I had chiclids, and before them I had bala sharks. I just bought a small 20gal and am looking to set it as a nano reef tank. I'll try to post up some pics of the rainbows. thought I'd sign up and get some advice and encouragement.
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