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Everything posted by purplereef74

  1. heres a pic of it its the first one
  2. kenya trees xenias waving hands etc
  3. still avaliable? is he tank rasied? ive got a birds nest r some soft corals if ur intersted lmk thanks
  4. hi, ive got some soft corals xenias kenya tree waving hands etc let me know if ur intersted thanks
  5. i can meet u tonight since ill be busy this weekend lmk thanks
  6. hi ive got a 1200 give me ur offer lmk thanks
  7. kenya trees, waving hands, xenias cabbage
  8. hi ive got some softies if ur intersted i could use this tank whaz do u with it r is it just the tank?
  9. ive got a bird nest and sft corals. how big r each piece?
  10. how much gsp u got ill take it ....
  11. sorry for the delay had an emergency so i was the one who spoke to u about pick this up so whaz time tmrw is a good time if its ok?
  12. i called ya i went to ur voice mail im intersted in ur hammer or frogspawn whaz others u got?
  13. inersted in a hob prizm? its rated for 90 gallon its a deluxe kit lmk thanks
  14. hippo/ regal.... wanting local area not shipped....
  15. im wanting a blue tang if any one has one to sell or know where i can get one for a good price let me know thanks
  16. when is a good time to come by?
  17. hi ill take this so all in all it works right?/
  18. im intersted in the anemone r the second pic.... btw the anemone is a LTA not a seabae BIG DIFFERENCE LOL lmk thanks
  19. how many lbs live rock u lookin for this?
  20. hi ive got some cabbage leather corals n some xenias and kenyas if interstyed lmk thnks
  21. purplereef74


    hi ive got a 15gallon marine land eclispe tank let me know we can work a deal
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