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Posts posted by ScubaSteve

  1. I have a 29G biocube that i want to sell. It also has a cascade 700 canister filter on it. I added a extra cpu fan to the top last year to help with the summer heat. I also have a few backup bulbs for it. Also comes with a 9 Watt green killing machine UV sterilizer in the middle chamber. Heater is included. I do not have the original return pump for it. Open to offers. Please no trades. Thanks!



    [email protected]

  2. I have a Zoo Med aquasun T5 HO 48" light with one Zoo Med Ocean Sun 54watt light and one Zoo Med Coral Sun 54watt light. It has all been used for only 4 days. I am looking to either trade for fish or inverts or sale to best offer. You can txt me if you have any questions. Thanks!



  3. I am trying to give a checkered damselfish away. I am in the middle of moving everything from my biocube to my 125g and i just really dont want any damsels in that tank. So if anyone wants him let me know. Thank! And please txt or call me because i am away from my computer working on the tanks.


    (512) 964-6280

  4. I have a free Aquaclear 70 filter that a customer dropped off today. The filter works but has no media other than the pre filter. I really just want to give it to someone who needs it instead of throwing it away. You can call or text me. Thanks


    (512) 964-6280

  5. So i just set up the tank and sump last night with nothing in the sump or tank yet. just wanted to test everything out and have the water moving. My question is if anyone knows of a way to make the noise calm down some on the drain pipe. It is making a loud suction noise. right now i just put filter floss on the top of the tube and that makes it not so bad but i wanted something more permanent. any ideas would be great! thanks!






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