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Posts posted by Sherita


    These guys are moving to NY.

    Attention high rollers! I have an 8+ polyp mini colony of Seduction PE available. This is NOT a cut, they have been growing for months. Seduction PE routinely sells online for anywhere between $100 and $200 PER polyp. Take this 8+ polyp mini colony for $500. PM me, or text me at 325-214-0135. Paypal to hold, first one to pay gets it. You will never find another deal like this on Seductions.

  2. Long, yes the doors will be magnetic. I love having the ability to get them completely out of my way when I'm working.

    jestep, I want the white inside the stand to reflect the light from my fuge lighting at night. Makes it much more effective. Plus, it makes it easier for me to see what I'm doing when I've got my head and shoulders stuck in the sump trying to get my hands on the stupid snail that has crawled out of the tank and died back there, and is now fumigating the house with the worst smell known to man kind.

    • Like 3
  3. Did a little more today. Got the skin on the front of the stand.


    There won't be any more progress till the middle of next week (boo). I'm waiting on the next shipment of red cedar to come in at the lumber yard, so I can pick through it for the prettiest pieces. They were nice enough to let me know that the truck will be there Tuesday at 9am, guess where I will be at 10am? Yep, stalking the delivery truck at McCoys, LOL.

    I'm not soundproofing. I've had a reef in my bedroom for several years, for me it's just white noise. I cannot wait to lay in bed and look at the lovely tank under the moonlights......right at the foot of my bed!

    Btw, this stand is 40" tall, so I'll have lots of room in there to work in the sump or on the electronics. The inside of the stand will be painted with two coats of original Kilz, to help protect it from water damage.

    I will probably have an update next Thursday or Friday. Maybe I will stop sneezing by then (fine cedar dust up my nose, and everywhere else).

  4. I can make you one if you can give me the dimensions and a rough sketch of what you want. I've got all the needed tools to work acrylic, and probably have enough acrylic laying around here to build a gob of top off containers. PM me.

  5. Well, it's time for the bigger tank (yes, another one). This is a 210g Oceanic, drilled, with two internal overflows, twin drain, twin return. 6'x2' footprint. The tank will be located in my bedroom (yep, the worlds coolest nightlight!). Because I have an affinity for real wood, with lots of grain and character (and color!), the stand and canopy for this tank will be a little different than your usual tank stand. The stand is built with dimensional lumber-2x4's and 2x6's. Strong enough to park a truck on, or a ton of tank and water.


    The skin for the stand is aromatic red cedar. I'm hand picking each 1x4 board, then milling them for tongue and groove using my 6' router table. Here's the start of one end. Tell me that grain and color are not just spectacular!


    Here's the same end with all of the skin on, but un-sanded.


    And after sanding, but still unfinished.


    The wood will not be stained, only sanded smooth and coated with satin polyurethane. I won't be puttying the joints, since I want the rustic look. The stand will have trim top and bottom (which I will make), and the canopy and top tank trim will be made from the same wood. The doors will be magnetic, and also made from the same wood. I'm repurposing an old 75g acrylic tank I have as a sump for this tank.

    That's it for now. I'll do more on the woodwork tomorrow, and post pictures as things happen.

    • Like 4
  6. Here is what I use my controllers for, I'm strictly plug and play as well (but you WILL be programming, otherwise it won't do anything at all). They turn my lights on and off at set times (actinics and whites, separate channels), control my heater(s) and fans to keep the temp stable (within .5 degrees), turn my sump lights on and off (reverse cycle). Turn off heat producing items if the temp starts climbing out of control (mainly lights). That's it. I don't monitor ph, do sunrise/sunset lighting, program space missiles or anything else. I've always subscribed to the KISS principle. YMMV, but imho this is a hobby. Once it turns into work, I'll find a different hobby.

    • Like 1
  7. Honestly, I run both DA and Neptune. I've had problems from both, at about the same level. I pretty much walked away from Neptune when they did away with the ACjr and wanted everyone to go to the lite. Higher price, fewer outlets, no thanks.

    This is not my only expensive hobby (I also have show dogs and a saltwater flats boat), and I can function just fine with a homebrew temp controller and timers on my lights. I use controllers for the convenience. If the price gets too high, this 7 tank owner will just do it a different way. I don't take advantage of all the features on these things anyway, so they don't really have a hook in me. I had the most gorgeous tank for the longest time with a homebrew temp controller and timers on my old school mh/vho lights.

    • Like 1
  8. The jr did/still does do everything I need, the lite was pretty much overkill for my tanks. And the full is a giant waste of money for me. Guess where my next controller *won't* be coming from.

    but, you said the jr still works for you?

    Yes, but I'm going to need a new controller soon for a big tank that is going up. I'll be buying from DA, since Neptune apparently thinks everyone wants to spend a huge chunk of money on un-needed stuff.

    Just FYI, I currently run 6 tanks, down from 8. But about to be 7................

  9. Is the polypad showing any kind of color change?

    And, have you checked for stray voltage? The last time I had a tank crash and burn I discovered 120v running through the tank due to a bad powerhead. It was shocking.

    Rodi water- are you set up to deal with chloramines? Also, have they worked on city water lines in your area recently and did you make up water just after that? Sometimes they flush the lines with a disinfectant that will absolutely make it through your filtration, and the subsequently kill everything in your tank (please don't ask me how I know this, too painful to even talk about).

  10. Are there children in the house? Is it possible something got into the tank? A penny accidentally dropped into the tank can cause a ton of troubles, as can many skin lotions, soaps and disenfectants.

    I would run polypad in the sump for sure, it's magic at pulling out nasty stuff. Other than that, massive water changes, carbon, more water changes. Test salinity for sure. Do you make your own rodi water, or do you buy it? If you make, how old are your filters? Has the city worked on water lines in your area recently (only applies if you make your own)

    And, did you do anything to the tank before this started?

    Also, check for stray voltage. That will cause all kinds of troubles too.

    • Like 2
  11. I had the camera out the other day and got some good pictures. Thought I would share with y'all.

    Chili Pepper Monti


    Rainbow Monti


    Tyree Sand Dollar monti


    Seasons Greetings monti


    Mandarin Orange setosa






    Jason Fox Violet Orange (this thing is INSANE under leds, absolutely screaming bright)


    Tyree LE True Undata


    One of these days I'm going to get a real macro lens. Until then I'll just keep plugging along, trying to improve my skillz.

    • Like 2
  12. Elephant snail. Beneficial algae eater, and harmless to your corals and fish. Nocturnal, won't hurt a thing in your tank (besides eating your algae). If you have ever bought coral from me that's probably where you got it from, I have dozens of them.

  13. Nice pics y'all!

    I shoot a Savage .223 with open sights. Yes, I AM a billy-badass with open sights :) And remember folks, bullet placement trumps both mass and velocity (who can name the author of that quote?)

    I do a lot of brush hunting. so a huge amount of knockdown power is just not needed. However, when needed, the .223 can reach out and touch something. It's a very flat shooting gun, but not a lot of punch once you get out there a ways.

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