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Everything posted by 10gReef

  1. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  2. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  3. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  4. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  5. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  6. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  7. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  8. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  9. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  10. 10gReef


    From the album: 75G tankshots

  11. the last ones I bought were moguls, whats the difference?
  12. im interested, when could they be picked up?
  13. I have a diy fish trap I can try to snag it with. how big is it?
  14. What would that sell for? I a 75 standard
  15. fyi, there is a $5 coupon for orders over $30 today, place 5off in the coupon field.
  16. I started thinking I would do this in a 10g but deciced I wanted more hight, Im thinking a 29g would do but I wouldnt turn down a larger tank if the dimensions are right foot print should be about 24-36 inches, depth should be near 18 and the hight close to 24(if available) Please pm me or post pricess. I believe what Im wanting to build is a palundarium http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/2289/sl381391sc2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dendroboard.com/forum/parts-construction/34536-my-paludarium-construction-step-step.html&h=600&w=800&sz=208&tbnid=Q7HMJHXE-NADgM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddiy%2Bpaludarium%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=diy+paludarium&usg=__jVgOcxheR3JOOG0qrO6qJzC0k_c=&docid=w6_TGxlE7yXn1M&sa=X&ei=n4ChUO3bGOey2wWJi4G4CQ&ved=0CDAQ9QEwAA&dur=139
  17. Looking at doing a fresh water habitat. I want a tall tank to build up a rock wall that will incorporate a water fall, the tank will only be filled about half way with water, the top half would be a planted terrarium. Im open to thoughts and suggestions.
  18. I could use mine sooner than later, I vote we set the date for this friday at the latest. I am good for about $75
  19. Just moved my tank and lost most of my CuC, let me know what you have and how much or if any one is interested in organizing a group buy. I have a 75g, no lid to keep my critter from escaping.
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