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Everything posted by Will

  1. I purchased some "ghost" shrimp from petsmart yesterday and put them in my saltwater tank for my leaf fish to eat. The shrimp is still alive today and is eating my briopsis. is it possibly for these shrimp to switch to saltwater, or will it eventually die.
  2. Im planning on having about 25-35 lbs and it will be lps and ricordia dominate with some sparse sps. As far as fish go, i think im going to just do three leafs, the wasp, and the fire fish. i will also plant some macro's. Liz, i fully agree with you that it is better to understock rather than overstock, but the 2" leaf i have in my 16 gallon has not moved more than 4" from its present location in the last three days. please review the following links for more information about the leaf fish http://www.midwestma...sh/id/leaf-fish http://saltaquarium....p/pleaffish.htm http://www.aquaticco...onfish/leaf.php http://www.advanceda...om/2006/12/fish here is a 40 breeder whose rock looks similar to what im thinking
  3. Im pkanning on having high lighting with alot of caves and overhangs Would that still be ok
  4. I guess i put my name in the line if for some freak reason half of Austin suddenly disappears
  5. I think we are going to keep our house at 73, so it would be great if you could show me how. May still look for a chiller though in case our air goes out or my room mate decides to turn the air off again
  6. Im considering the possibility of buying a chiller for my 40 gallon breeder, as im starting to think that temperature is going to be a problem. Let me know what you have, The max im going to be able to spend is $200, so let me know if you have anything in that range, or if you know where i can buy one.
  7. Will

    Fish for sale

    Those butterfly fish are not reef safe
  8. I bought a 40 breeder from Lamont, and im thinking about making it rimless. It has a glass center brace which may be weight bearing, but im not sure. do you think that taking off the center brace would compromise the structural integrity of the tank?
  9. Will

    QT'd Waspfish

    yea it was cloudy and has a small amount of film on it.
  10. My waspfish started to have a bit of cloudy eye, most likely stemming from a temp spike (my room mate set the thermostat at 78 while i was out, and the tank got up to 84). I moved him to a QT tank (10 gal I just set up) and i am running Tetracycline. My question is, how often do i need to change the water as i doubt there is any benificial bacteria in the tank.
  11. you could try one of those balloon molly's (on other thread) and see if they like it.
  12. Thanks for the advice. I was planning on getting at least one more Taenianotus once I upgrade, do you think three would be better than 2? also do you think that 1 waspfish, one Ambon scorpion (i really like the look of these) , and three Taenianotus would be ok in a 40? I could always get rid of the firefish, but i would like to have at least one free swimming fish in the tank.
  13. Thanks, yea right now im using the net method on the leaf, as he is only accepting live at this point. the wasp eats from a feeding stick. I was actually wondering what i should put in the tank to induce him to keep his color (i bought a red angler a few years ago and had it turn into a brown anger). Right now he seems to be blending in with my red coraline algae (this is the part of the tank he usually sticks to) Where do i find dragons breath?
  14. the leaf fish (Taenianotus triacanthus) is 2" long and will get a max of 4" when it reaches adulthood it could possibly eat the firefish, but the firefish is almost 4" long and is extremely aggressive. the waspfish (Ablabys taenionotus) is 4" long and has a very tiny mouth (can only eat 1/3 piece of krill at a time), he is full grown. These are both scorpions not frogfish (completely different type of fish, and yes frog fish or anglers will eat things much larger than themselves) I do weekly 25% water changes As far as the bioload is concerned the leaf fish and the waspfish will get a max of 4", The ambon will get around 5". I feed every three days. As far as the firefish goes (i believe the ambon would be able to eat it), i may decided to remove it when i change tanks due to how aggressive it is.
  15. http://www.bulbstock.com/buymhblue.html?gclid=CNTAlrazgqICFRUhnAodOVXmEQ
  16. I would like the air pump. Can meet u any day
  17. do you think two dragon pipefish would be able to live with my scorpions?
  18. yea i was lucky to find one this brightly colored, although aquatek charged accordingly
  19. yea the waspfish is also a scorpion and is about 4 inches. All three will be going into my new 40gal breeder that i am setting up. the firefish is very big and far too large for either of the scorpions. Im also going to be putting the following fish in the tank with them when it is set up Ambon waspfish (if i can find one) Blue leaf fish (if i can find one) Fu Man Chu lion (if i do not find the ambon) Kole tang or Rabit fish (i know about tank size requirements, i will select a juvi and replace him when he outgrows the tank) White ribbon eel or banded snake eel (if i can find one and if i get a new skimmer)
  20. a cackatoo waspfish and a large firefish. He is only about 2" long.
  21. I saw him at aquatek and had to get him. The photo does not do him justice, he is bright red.
  22. Thanks Lamont, the tank is already being drilled, and i painted the stand black (satin)
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