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Posts posted by dark8nge1

  1. On December 4, we holding a frag show at St. Arnolds brewery in Houston, Texas Brew Frag Fest. Entry is free, but you can purchase and all you can drink wrist band or raffle tickets to participate in the raffle. All profits from this event are going to Coral Restoration Foundation to help conservation and reef rebuilding efforts.

    Some of the vendors include: Jason Fox, Two Guys Corals (ReefRaft), Josh Porksandwich, and more.

    We currently have over $6500 in raffle items graciously donated for the fundraiser and we expect that to continue to grow.

    Also there is currently a presale raffle going on for those that purchase the unlimited drink wrist bands early. Anyone that pre-purchases will be entered into win: A Walt Disney frag, RR Orange Passion frag, Tye Dye mushroom, two frag tanks, gold acantho, and a mystery frag pack automatically. The wristbands and be prepurchased at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brew-frag-fest-tickets-27077578767


    More infomration about the show can be found on our Facebook page.

    Thank you for your support.


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  2. So I started crunching numbers on how much live rock I will need for the tank then I threw all my calculations out the window and filled my live rock sump with 200lbs of live rock. Problem solved! :D

    Next up picking up the main sump from Ace and let the plumbing begin!

  3. Well I came real close to getting out of the hobby all together because of my traveling schedule for work but with some help from some friends and lots of weekends doing nothing but maintenance I've finally almost got my main tank back under control. Now I have to fight the endless battle with cyano but I will overcome it. So what's the most logical step to take from here? Start another tank naturally! :D The inspiration for this tank are the very clean and open style Japanese tanks. I hope to accomplish something like Invincible (on RC) did with his 100 gal. I am starting with an ADA 90P with a build in overflow and building all the equipment into furniture that matches my house.

    Here are some Sketchup's of what I hope to accomplish.

    Tank and Credenza:




    Back room for extra equipment:


  4. Unfortunately work has put me my tank in a bad situation. Since August I have been traveling to Denver from Sunday to Friday and my tank as been on a slow decline. After 3 broken reefkeeper 2's and moving into a smaller house it looks like I may have to get out of the hobby all together. I do still love this hobby and have a few sps colonies that I have grown rather attached to. If anyone is able and willing to keep these for me until I can properly restart a tank I would be much appreciated. I cannot say when that may be, since I will be traveling at least till April. If you would be willing to help me out please let me know. Thank you.


  5. Correct me if im wrong but it looks like the top frame and the legs will only be held together by whatever you use to attach them. Personally i wouldnt do it that way because you are then relying on the strength of the screw or whatever what not, but not the 2x4 itself. Dont know if that makes sense or not. I'll try and find a pick to illustrate

  6. :) cool, maybe I wont brace it after all. Getting kinda lazy after building the stand :D Hey Brian, I used 34 2x4's on my tank stand. I guess in the end i'm not nearly as bold as you, or it could be that you're just a better stand builder than me dontknow.gif Thanks for answering my question.
  7. So I picked up a 140 gal 40" x 40" x 20" and surprisingly it is made of 1/2" glass and not braced at all. My current 70 gal isnt braced on the 36" side and uses 1/2" glass as well but I'm not sure if the extra 4" makes a difference. I know 48" tanks are braced, but do you think?

  8. Looks like I'm moving so I'm going to upgrade my tank while I'm at it.

    Black Trim Oceanic 70 gal RR perfect condition less than 2 years old

    2 stands one 24" skinned in birch, one 36" skinned in black plywood

    One acrylic sump

    Tank new is $350, asking $300 for everything

    Probably wont be available till the 1st of the year. I need to setup my new tank in Houston and move the livestock.

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