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Salt Dreams

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Posts posted by Salt Dreams

  1. Here is an updated picture, I am not sure the mouth from the foot now! Blah... and to add to my issues my co co worm was out of his shell on the sand this morning so if anyone knows what to do about that I would appreciate the knowledge...I put him back in his shell but he dont look like he wants in, he want out he was not even close to his shell this morning.


  2. So Friday I bought this sebae and these are the pictures each day up until today. I need help please I dont know what is wrong with it but it appears to be on death row. I was told that it is normal for it to deflate sort of a self water change but I am nervous. I acclimated it for about 1.5 hours which I thought was a long time. They say that clowns help to acclimate but my clowns just look at it. My water parameters are as followed

    PH 8.0

    KH 12

    Nitrates 0

    Amonia 0

    Nitrites 0

    Calcium 460

    Phosphates .25

    Currently it is under t 5's because my canopy was recently finished and I am staining it but I have 2 400W metal halides to go with the t 5's. So that about sums it up I have other corals that are doing well so I am not sure if this sebae requires special treatment. Please offer suggestions and if I did something super stupid be nice I am still fairly new at this!!! doh.gif


    Day 1 is in the pet store

    Day 2 is in my tank while eating

    Day 3 AM is after it moved over a rock and it fell face(i know it has not face) forward, I flipped it over

    Day 3 PM later in afternoon

    Day 4 I am just watching it constantly hoping for the best

    Thanks in advance bye.gif






  3. Wow I do feel slow now I thought it was a short word for something!!! I didnt even think to go to dictionary.com and see what came up. I actually fished off of a jetty before I got my boat...LOLdoh.gif

  4. I have a Coral life 65 gallon with pump that you can buy if you like...it actually has 2 canisters but only one pump but I do have an extra pump that may work that I am selling separately, it was my return pump until I upgraded...Pm me if you are interested.

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