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Everything posted by Derek

  1. I have had this colony of zoanthids for a while but have no idea what the morph name is for them. They are brown with an aqua ring in the middle:
  2. I setup my RO/DI unit last week and found that I would really like to stack my washer and dryer. The only problem is that the dryer's power cord is not long enough and you cannot purchase power cords for driers that are longer than 6 feet long. I need to get a 220 plug installed on a wall that is about eight to ten feet from the existing 220 plug's location. Is there anyone here who does electrical work and would be willing to help me out? I will pay.
  3. I've seen this video before. I like this guy. He looks a lot like a guy I work with. Do you happen to known if Rhodactus mushrooms are toxic at all? Thankfully the rock they are on can be removed easily without causing too many problems, I just don't want to end up with red hands or barfing.
  4. One of the larger ones let go. I gave it to CrazyJ. I found a small one floating in the tank yesterday. It looks like they are starting to bud. Looks like I will be thinning these puppies out. I'd rather them not take over my entire tank or spread beyond the rock that they are on.
  5. Derek

    My new BTA

    I got dibs on the first clone!
  6. Derek

    My new BTA

    Very nice. Those colors are amazing.
  7. I have a rock that is covered in mushrooms. They are so thick that a lot of them are starting to pull themselves up and move around. Is there a way to thin them out? I was thinking of taking an exacto blade to the rock but haven't yet since I don't know a whole lot about fragging these things.
  8. What have you guys named her? She's adorable.
  9. Derek

    John mesmerized

    That glue must be something really special.
  10. Oh man, your wife is awesome! Did she really say "splattered"? I love jokes like that. I want a cat but the mister won't let me get one either. Dang spouses.
  11. My sentiments exactly. I wouldn't mind having that in my living room.
  12. I ran across this video today and though, wow:
  13. The installation of the RO/DI unit is complete. I am efficiently churning out RO/DI water. The setup was ridiculously easy. I was shocked at how easy it was to setup. I was expecting lots of pilled water and leaks. No leaks and hardly any water on the garage floor.
  14. Derek

    RO/DI Unit

    It was way easy to install. I was thinking it would be a bit complicated.
  15. Derek

    Aquarium Plumbing

  16. okidoki. I'll be on my way in a few minutes.
  17. What time is good for pickup? 7 - 730 okay?
  18. Hmm, maybe I will order a Scarlet Pin Stripe then... hmm... decisions decisions.
  19. I might have to bring over my sheet of acrylic and try to catch him. I can bring it tomorrow night when it is order pick up time and see if I can nab him.
  20. I knew I should have dropped by there. I ended up getting a box of hW Marinemix. It was definitely more expensive. I don't know if it is any better than Red Sea Pro.
  21. One of the plusses is that it can prevent diseases from jumping from one fish to another. It also prevents algae blooms. I have one in my tank but I do not have it on my return pump because I don't want everything dead. Instead, I just have a second pump that feeds to my UVS and then the return from that goes back into the sump.
  22. The six lines can be pretty aggressive. The scarlet pin stripes are much more docile... at least that is what rumor says. I haven't seen one in person or have known anyone who has one.
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