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Everything posted by Kaylon

  1. I read up on the bleach and there was very few side effects. but you have to make sure that you give the bleach plenty of time to dissipate before introducing livestock. I couldn't find an exact time line for it
  2. Glass is scrubbed and clean a few cloudy spots that I am hoping go away once there has been water in for awhile. thank you for everybody's help. I will post pics of the tank soon just trying to get some live rock then I will have it filled.
  3. thanks again Bluemoon the sand looks great!
  4. it says i can't message you. I would love to come get it tonight if possible ?
  5. absolutly can i come get it tonight ? pmed #
  6. Setting up a 55 gallon tank need to pick up a few essentials. If anyone has any of these items could you please get in contact with me I am hoping to get it set up by tonight. Thank you for your time have a great day.
  7. scrubbed and scrubbed got most if it of just a cloudy ring around the top of the tank where the water was low for so long. I think I am gonna run a vinegar solution through the system for a day and then scrub again hopefully that does it.
  8. ahhh yes the razor blade and scotch bright. I was using one of those soft dish sponge scrubbers but it was not up the the task. didn't want to get any micro scratches in the glass. gonna go see if I can pick up some razors and scotch pads.
  9. It is good to be back. yes it is an addiction that I proudly admit to lol. thank you everyone for the greetings.
  10. Good deal that was what I was thinking not sure if it would brake down the harder stuff though I am gonna try to soak it tomorrow thanks guys
  11. Hows it going guys. was wondering if anyone new of a good way to get the glass of an older dry tank clean and reef ready. I have scrubbed it using fresh water but it is still cloudy and has hardened algae and what looks like calcium residue. It was a fresh water tank that was only half full for a long time. would appreciate any tips I am a budget reefer so I am hoping to restore this tank.
  12. Hello all of my reef friends. I have jumped back in the ocean and have started a new reef. Well my little ocean at least. still in the building phase Of a 55gal. I have missed my hobby for a long time now excited to be back.
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